The MC has never been a weight loss diet from it's inception. It was originally formulated to cure ulcers. It just got that rap when the celebrity gossip rags got a hold of the story of Robin Quivers ( Howard Sterns sidekick) who originally did it to cure IBS also lost a bunch weight. Healing is not big news but celebrity weight loss is so they jumped all over that and never even mentioned that she had done it at the suggestion of street magician David Blaine to help her with the IBS that was killing her. To this day the same misconception as you have proven by your statement still exists. A whole industry grew up around it since "dieting" is big business
If you want to split hairs the MC it is not technically a "fast" by water fasts standards and by the same standards neither is juice fasting for that matter. It is however a very efficient way to expel toxins from the system which is a basic premise of any fast. Also as with any "fast" it gives the digestive system a rest thus the energy the body uses for digestion the body uses to to cleanse and absolutely to also heal. You do go into Ketosis on the MC. No form of fasting has ever really been a good way to "loose weight"
Lemon juice is prolly the highest alkilizing naturally occurring substance we know. It is also very cleansing and contains many vitamins. Cayenne, I don't even know where to begin it has some many amazing "healing" qualities besides aiding circulation and helping to loosen mucous when one fasts. It is also high in vit C Do some research on cayenne. It's a mighty potent "healing agent" The syrup is there mainly to provide carbs and minerals when you fast to give you energy so you can still carry on in your everyday life and function in your daily activities.
The thing to understand is the time line of what occurs when in juice/MC fasting. It takes the system approx 2 weeks to expel the causative agents and it is past this time that the system scours the body for dead and damaged cells and the healing at the cellular level "begins". I consider 21 days as a minimal fast though I generally do 40. On a personal "healing" note I was having chronic shoulder and wrist pains which where threatening to put an end to my passion for whitewater canoeing. The pain went away after my 1st MC (40days). I was also a chronic kidney stone producer having been hospitalized twice in a period of 5 years. I have not had any other kidney stone attacks in over 10 years. These are just the glaring healing effects that I have personally had from the MC. Of course there are many other benefits as with any other form of fasting.
In short make no mistake about about the powerful cleansing and healing properties of the MC