Well, I flushed about 100 stones, and my husband passed at least 300 or so. He wouldn't count, and I only had a moment to look before they were flushed away. His were all sorts of colors, tan, light green, very dark green--almost black. Mine have always been a ligher green color. It was a bit shocking to see them all. I've never seen so many in the toilet at one time. I've never flushed more than 200 total per flush over a series of toilet "visits" One of his was huge at least an
inch across. He had a very rough time last night, but is feeling okay today. I pray the flush gives at least partial relief from his reflux symptoms. Otherwise, I'm not sure he would bother flushing again. His whole family has gallbladder issues, and many have had theirs removed. I really want to prevent that from happening to him. He's only 32 and starting to have all these problems.