Howdy Beth!
And super-congratulations on getting all the herbs and getting the LBB formula together (and getting some capsules stuffed)...that's a major accomplishment! And I know (at least, I think I know...pre-amygdala training, pre-ashwagandha), that just taking a capsule that may have yielded a negative reaction was also an accomplishment. GOOD FOR YOU!
Just a quick note here before I start sharing...I realize "tone of voice" just doesn't come through correctly on a computer monitor :( And I'm going to share a bunch of "factual stuff" that may come across as me being somehow negative...but it's NOT (it's really not! :) It's just me 'writing things on a blackboard' like a teacher would - there's no negative connotation (and certainly NOT any judgmentalism or disrespect!)....just facts and "thinks & thoughts". As always with the "thinks & thoughts" (as with everyone), keep what is good and throw out the rest :)
Hmmm, one capsule of LBB made you pee a lot. (For those that don't know)...that's obviously not the desired effect; nor is it likely that such weak diuretic herbs (in such miniscule amounts) would have a strong diuretic effect. BUT it is not uncommon for people to experience all kinds of various 'responses & reactions' the first time they take 'one of anything' (herbs, food, drinks, spices). Typically people are not expecting to experience anything much, so when they do experience something they either don't notice it, make a correlation, or they chalk it up to (in this case), just a random "needing to go more for some strange reason". And of course, if one continues ingesting (or doing) what we did "one" of, the response/reaction will always lessen & fade away (unless the reaction is unnatural/abnormal). Even when what we're doing is decidely unhealthy, the reactions & responses typically fade (the first time someone smokes, they cough their head off and their lungs burn, but not after the first pack; same thing with one's first beer or glass of wine... dizzy/drunk from the first beer, but not after a beer a day for a week).
Then, there's always the possibility the 'whatever' was caused by something entirely different. But knowing how important this is to you & your healing (and knowing how 'persnickety perfect' you are about tracking absolutely every possibility and what you eat/drink daily), I'll go ahead and elaborate fully on other possibilities.
Virtually everyone that's had vaccines, not had enough oxygen (only 12-18% in the atmosphere now compared to 30% back in the 1970's); eaten a SAD diet; taken OTCs & pharmaceuticals (and 'other' drugs); breathed the chemtrailed air and drank the toxic/poisoned water (there's no such thing as truly natural water available anywhere on the planet any longer) compromised in many ways before they even become an adult. Now with GM frankenfoods and a constant barrage of electro-magnetic-radiation poisoning being shot into our body, it's even worse. By the time we're in our late 20's or 30's, any significant crisis can wallop our 'weakest link'...and with our other organs 'just barely hanging on', they can't come to our rescue. So when one organ/system becomes strongly symptomatic, the entire organism (us) can't provide the support our damaged parts need so desperately to recover & heal. In the case of adrenal fatigue/stress/exhaustion, virtually all of the the stressers continue (and far too many people preach & believe it worsens the adrenals to cleanse & heal the other organs/systems in the body) - but without the support of our other organs/systems, generally symptoms worsen (with the adrenals themselves, or elsewhere). And then comes the realization that allopathic medicine & all the drugs is harmful, and the switch to alternative medicine & all the isolated & synthethic unnatural supplements. :::sigh::: (lol, yes I know you know this; and yes, I'll get to the point soon. I've learned that hundreds of people read my posts within a few months, and I'm just making sure those that 'don't understand' will enough information). SO...
Here we are with all major organs suffering from some level of unnatural compromise (much worse than most of us can even phathom, because all the other 'normal people' have the same/similar), and one organ/system poops out enough to start throwing us severe symptoms...and we've either succumbed to drugs or supplements without doing much of anything to address all the system/organs and the body as a whole. Many people with liver/adrenal (and colon) issues develop 'hypersensitivities' and allergies and strong reactions to even the most natural of foods & herbs. (here comes 'the point' :::wink:::) And those reactions are NOT natural and rarely based on the actual action of a particular food or herb. It's not natural for ginger-root to induce nausea or belching...nor is it natural for cayenne to induce heart palps, or kava to induce anxiety. But there's no prediciting how someone with hypersensitivies will respond to anything. So did the minor 'diuretic herbs' in the LBB actually/directly cause more frequent urination? They certainly do not in a non-hypersensitive fact, even herbs with zero diuretic properties can induce frequent urination in someone that's hypersensitive -- and that has absolutely nothing to do with the herb (or food) at all. Nor does it indicate that the herb or food is something they should avoid - because many times the food or herb (or cleanse) we need the most, is the very one that is most likely to cause a reaction.
So I said all that to make these two points: 1) even for those that are not in a highly reactive state, it's almost impossible to know the true effect of a drug or herb (or even a protocol) with just one dose 2) those that are in a highly reactive state can have reactions that are totally opposite the actual effect of an herb or food.
Let's look at what we know from Dr. Christopher (always keeping in mind that there is much new information that wasn't available to him to be considered).
From his book School of Natural Healing (the main list of effective diuretics, and then a list of herbs that have diuretic properties...which will not be diuretic for some/many people...but may be for others). On the last list I have underlined all the ones I have used that have not made me pee (or if they have, have not made me pee enough that I've noticed the difference), and put in bold those that have made me pee....the rest I've never tried (to my knowledge). Methinks that most people using the herbs/foods/spices that are on the larger list (particularly when we're talking about the amount of each herb in a LBB capsule measuring around 1/9th of less than 1/2 a teaspoon {around 1/20th of a teaspoon or less}), would experience little to know direct diuretic effect (except for a few that are very strong diuretics). Those in the LBB are not typically on any herb list for "diuretics" that I have seen.
First, the "biggies" (I think dandelion & horsetail grass should likely be on this list)
(Carum petroselinum; Apium petroselinum; Petroselinum sativum; UMBELLIFERAE)
(Juniperus communis; PINACEAE)
(Eupatorium purpureum; E. verticillatum; E. ternifolium; COMPOSITAE)
(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi; ERICACEAE)
(Daucus carota; UMBELLIFERAE)
(Oxheart Chatenay, Nantes, or other domestic types)
(Galium aparine; RUBIACEAE)
(Barosma betulina, Diosma betulina; B. crenulata; B. serratifolia; RUTACEAE)
(Arctium lappa; Lappa minor; COMPOSITAE)
Herbs that increase the secretion and flow of urine. Agrimony, Alder buckthorn, American bittersweet, American centaury, American senna, Ammonicum (mild), Anise root, Arbor vitae, Arenaria rubra, Arnica, Arrowhead, Artichoke, Ash leaves, Asarabacca, Asparagus, Balm of Gilead, Balsam fir, Barberry, Bayberry, Betel, Bilberry, Bistort, Bitter root, Bittersweet, Blackberries, Black bryony, Black cohosh, Black currant, Black Haw, Black hellebore, Black horehounds, Blood root, Blue cohosh, Blue flag, Boldo, Boneset, Borage, Brooklime, Broom, Broom-corn, Buchu, Buckbean, Buckthorn, Bugloss, Bugleweed, Burdock, Burdock seeds, Burra gokhru, Burr marigold, Butcher, Butterbur, Button snake root, Cajuput, Calamint, Camomile, Canada snake root, Canadian hemp, Caraway, Carline thistle, Carob, Carrot, Catnip, Cayenne, Cedar berries, Celery, Chaparral, Cheken, Chicory, Cleavers, Coca, Colchicum, Cococynth, Columbine, Common melon (seeds, fruit), Common speed well, Condurango, Colewort, Copaiba, Corn silk, Couchgrass, Cramp bark (relaxant), Cranesberry leaves, Cranesbill, Cubebs, Cucumber seed, Cudweed, Culver's root, Cup plant, Currant leaves, Damiana, Dandelion, Deer's tongue, Dogbane, Double tansy, Dwarf elder, Dyer's green weed, Dyer's madder, Dwarf elder, Elecampane, Elder bark (cured) & flowers & berries, Elm, Embelia, English elm, Eryngo, European angelica, European ground pine, False hellebore, False unicorn, Fennel, Fever root, Flaxseed, Fleabane, Fleawort, Foxglove, Fringetree, Fumitory, Garlic, Germander, Goat's rue, Goldenrod, Golden seal, Gravel plant, Gravel root, Greater celandine, Great water dock, Great white field lily, Grindelia (small), Ground ivy, Groundsel, Guaiacum, Guarana, Haircap moss, Hartstongue, Hawthorn berry, Heartsease, Hedge hyssop, Hemlock spruce, Hemp agrimony, Herb patience, Herb Robert, Hollyhock, Honeysuckle, Hops, Horehound (slight), Horsemint, Horseradish, Huckleberries, Hyacinth bulb, Hydrangea, Hyssop, Indian hemp, Indian sarsaparillas, Ipecacuanha, Jaborandi (small), Jacob's ladder, Jalap, Jambul, Jerusalem artichoke, Jerusalem oak, Jewel weed, Juniper berry, Kava kava, Knapweed, Knotgrass, Kola, Labrado tea, Lady's bed straw, Lady's slipper, Larch, Leed, Life root, Lily-of-the-valley (powerful), Linden, Lobelia, Lovage, Malva, Manaca, Manzanita, Marshmallow, Masterwort, Matico, Meadow cranesbill, Meadow lily, Meadowsweet, Mezereon, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Mullein, Mustard, Night-blooming cereus, Onion (lit), Oregon grape, Orris, Ox-eye daisy, Paraguay tea, Pareira, Parsley, Parsley pier (lit), Peach, Pellitory-of-the-wall (lit), Peruvian bark, Pichi, Pipsissewa, Pitcher plant, Plantain, Pleurisy root, Polypody root, Prickly ash, Pulsatilla, Pumpkin seeds, Purple loosestrife, Purslane, Radishes, Ragwort, Red cedar berries, Rest harrow, Rosinwood, Rue, Rupturewort, Russian knot grass, Safflower, Saffron, Samphire, Sandalwood, Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Savin, Saw palmetto, Scammony, Scarlet pimpernel, Scullcap, Scurvygrass, Self-heal, Senega, Shave grass, Sheep sorrel, Shepherd's purse, Skunk cabbage, Slippery elm, Smartweed, Soap tree, Sorrel, Spearmint, Spruce, Squaw vine, Squill (small), Star anise, Stillingia, Stinging nettle, St. John's wort, Stone-root, Storax, Stramonium, Strawberry, Sumach, Sumach berries, Sunflower, Squaw vine, Squill, Star anise, Swamp milkweed, Sweet fennel, Sweet marjoram, Sweet sumac, Tamarack, Tansy, Trailing arbutus, True unicorn, Turkey corn, Turpentine (small), Twin leaf, Uva Ursi, Valerian, Vervain, Virginia snake root, Wahoo, Water fennel, Watermelon (seeds, fruit), Water plantain, White ash bark, White birch leaves, White Malilot, White oak (lithotriptic), White pine, White poplar, Whortleberry, Wild carrot, Wild lettuce Wild yam, Winter cherry, Wintergreen (small), Woodruff, Wood sage, Wood sorrel, Yarrow, Yellow daisy, Yellow goldenrod, Yellow parilla, Yellow toad flax, Yellow water lily.
Of course, I have no way of knowing what all herbs you've taken and which you haven't (and which may/not have induced frequent urination), but I know you've reported having parsely juice and more recently slippery elm tea and marshmallow root tea...but I don't recall you mentioning immediate reactions like peeing every 20 minutes with those. So if that's the case (that they didn't induce frequent urination), then it's not logical to assume that just because an herb or food is on the 'diuretic list' that's it's going to be the thing that's responsible for frequent urination...especially not after just one dose that was very small.
And the last thing to throw into the works 'for consideration' are the effects of fear & anxiety. 'Doesn't matter whether it's someone that's hypersensitivity anxious/fearing a reaction from something they ingest or do, or if it's a performer stepping onto a stage anxious/fearing a possible mistake they might make -- these emotions cause tension and 'lack of healthy flow' in many different ways throughout the body. And this very real physiological reaction to an emotion, does indeed increase the likelihood of the very thing one fears becoming a reality and/or worsening it when it does :::sigh::: Nope, I'm not saying that someone that's hypersensitive causes a food or herb reaction by naturally being anxious/fearful about something that may be totally out of their control, but I am saying this is something that should be addressed just as squarely & solidly as any other issue...because it definitely worsens whatever reaction may occur (which imbeds a very negative cycle). Solution for an almost impossible-to-solve problem? Three letters...
E.F.T. I've walked a lot of roads in my 51 years, and seen a lot of scams and a lot of truth...but I've never seen anything that's free, easy, beneficial AND effective for anything & everything like EFT With EFT 'in hand', there's no need for any of us to struggle with learned emotions like fear & anxiety. Well, of course, "knowledge" is also imperative for dispelling fear...but there's an emotional component to fear & anxiety that EFT will erase even without strong knowledge or understanding. YAY!
:::grinning and rolling eyes at 'the best laid plans of mice and men'::: It's around 11:30 am now, and around 7:30pm last night I went through my Inbox and chose a few posts to respond to, and opened the tabs to work on a couple of others throughout the wee hours that I discerned need my attention. But in order to make sure I got the two finished that I needed to get finished (this one, and one to Healthparaoid14), I promised myself I would NOT look at my Inbox until I got them finished and posted. But I just peeked...and see that you posted that now you think it may have been 'broth' that caused you to pee so much.
Oh well, now a 'forum lesson' has been taught & confirmed that there was possibly 'something else' at play (or perhaps just a 'reaction' if the same broth doesn't do the same thing manana), and that initial impressions/reactions after 'one dose' of something isn't enough to determine much of anything specific.
So,now you can (if you choose to) start switching from the triphala to the LBB so you can start the IF#2 (YAY!). And maybe even this will give you 'more of what you need' to reconsider the CE's...because your libber would lub you VERY much if you did (and your giraffe-friend thinks that would be one of THE best things you could do now :)
Blessings aplenty -