I'm starting this thread to collect posts/information on the subject of How to Heal Naturally.
I hope others will add their favorites to it.
Lets have some FUN and gather information/gain knowledge at the same time!
As Dr. Schulze says, "It's NOT Rocket Science"
How to Heal Naturally
The Importance of Addressing the Whole Body
Addressing the Root Cause
Let Your Body Determine the Order in Which it Heals/Restores/Repairs/Rebuilds
"Stop doing what makes you sick, and start doing what makes you better"
KNOWLEDGE is the key to health.
FIRST physician, do NO harm
The body is a whole organism, where every organ/system is dependent upon the others.
Fear is an anti-healer; it is the opposite of victory.
The non-supplement HEALING" & other thoughts +edit/end [Unyquity] http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1372970#i
I think Dr. Christopher illuminated it best (paraphrase here), when he said that no one would ever dream of taking a broken toaster to a plumber to have it fixed. If we have car/engine problems, we take it back to the manufacturer (who knows the proper schematics to repair/rebuild the equipment). Our bodies are natural, they are "of this earth" and our bodies already HAVE the schematics they need to repair & restore themselves. What we need to do is turn to Nature/God/Earth to find exactly what our natural bodies need to repair themselves. And every reknowned natural healer that has ever cured any 'incurable disease' successfully and consistently, did just that. Some had a few 'quirks' that weren't truly natural, but their baseline protocols were. The fastest, safest, most successful way to restore our bodies is to STOP 'putting in' things that alter/destroy the natural balance & chemistry of the body, and START doing everything to restore the natural balance so the body can do what it is programmed and designed to do...HEAL & LIVE!
Being your own doctor - liver flushing/CE's READ ME PLEASE [Unyquity]http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1418181#i
Part of learning to heal yourself is learning to deal with poop, liver debris and critters. If you don't like it and won't do it, there's an entire world of allopathic medicine that will happily suck away your life savings, rob you of the freedom & joy you deserve and provide you with a painful & horrendous death.
Whatever "it" is..."it" was IN YOU five minutes previous to it coming out. It's not going to kill you or harm you to look at it...and use it as the tool it is to gauge your progress (or lack of progress).
You deserve better than playing around with your health like a blind-folded child whacking at a pinata.
Just because all the other boys & girls on Curezone don't pay attention to their bodies and take FULL responsibility for learning about their health as they "doctor themselves", doesn't mean it's okay. This forum IS going to make a difference!
KNOWLEDGE is the key to health - let's all (PLEASE) do our best to get as much as we can!!
Healthiest of blessings -
Re: Calcium/Magnesium [Unyquity]
BUT, it may not be a lack of "enough", it may be that your body is healing and restoring itself enough so that it can 'get to' the bone healing & restoration. Our bodies KNOW what needs to be healed and restored, and in what order it needs to be done...and it knows what it's priorities are (and we're not going to change it's priority-scheduling). Look back over the various side-effects of the drugs you took for years (decades?) http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1692124#i and see how many adversely affected your heart, blood pressure and circulation. It's very possible that your body may consider 'restoring the heart & circulation' to be a higher priority than restoring bone damage.
Re: What could be causing my dad's vertigo? [Unyquity]
And of course everyone needs a thorough 30 day colon cleanse and work on the rest of the systems to address the root cause of the issues.
Toxicity (?) of Wintergreen Oil + how the body heals sometimes....Re: Regarding neck injury and some comments.. [Unyquity] http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1389709#i
It would seem to me (regarding every 'natural' substance that the Powers That Be attack), they are NOT testing a truly natural substance, but rather one they've extracted from the plant, isolated and then injected/applied VERY large quanties of ....OR (as above) they're using a substance that is indeed, the same under a microscope or in a laboratory, but didn't even come from a natural plant to begin with. (This is particularly true of synthetic B vitamins - those are typically made from sewage sludge and/or some version of petroleum...if I remember right. It's SO overwhelming to keep up with the horrors in the 'alternative science' arena :::sigh:::)
This story from Unyquity:
I've been helping this very elderly lady (that a 25 year 'raw foods/organic' wonder), but over the past few years she's developed this bizarro "walking crooked" thing. She can focus visually on where she wants to ambulate, but ends up going in some kind of 'diagonal line' and ends up short/long 'of the mark'. When it's dark, it's almost impossible for her to get from A--->B. So I started her on the B&B tincture (in her ears) & orally (she's supposed to be making an oil to rub into the top of her spine at the neck, but I don't think she's done it). With things like this (that one doesn't feel immediately, like cayenne) - we don't expect to see much of anything at all for two weeks (a moon cycle). She called me on about the 12th day, and told me that her 'legs were straightening out' (huh?, your LEGS? the B&B is for all things 'neuro') and she's been walking straighter and straighter and straighter. Then a couple days later she called (very excited) to tell me she'd been having wierd/stronger "pulling cramps" in her lower legs & feet, and she'd been able to walk directly to the mailbox (in the dark!) for the first time in years!
Re: Going to try to heal adrenals on my own, a little scared... [Unyquity]http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1799757#i
The biggest reasons folks have this 'non-fact' ingrained as a truth are:
1) Virtually every medical professional (hence most CZers) treat a 'symptom' as though only one system/organ of the body is responsible for it. The body is a whole organism, where every organ/system is dependent upon the others. I've yet to meet or hear or ANY person with adrenal issues that doesn't have other health issues. This is from a post I'm working on for someone else:
In the 1920's & 30's in the US, we had the Great Depression. Millions of people woke up daily (for months/years) with no job and not enough food to feed themselves or their family. There is no greater stress than that, and it lasted for months and months (many times, years)...it was a MAJOR "stress epidemic". Yet was there an epidemic of Adrenal Fatigue? No. Because these people hadn't been vaccinated (which significantly harms the immune system); they were not being bombarded with electricity and toxic EMFs/radiation; there were no food additives; there weren't poisons in all the drugs/water and everything they ate that destroyed their gut flora and totally overwhelmed, burdened & congested their liver & kidneys. All the systems throughout the body that support the adrenals were working, and so the adrenals were supported by the rest of the body...and continued supporting the other systems adequately.
We're all compromised in some way or another due to living on this toxic planet and being plowed with poisons daily (some more than others). When one system/organ finally gets to the point it becomes symptomatic and stays that way, it means there's more than just one system that needs some help. If people would recognize this, and treat the whole body while giving special attention to the adrenal issues, they'd find they'd heal much (much!) more quickly (and they'd not be dealing with all kinds of crashes, worsening symptoms and various complications). When we're healing, we should be seeing a 'steady upward trend'...sure, on that graph, there's always a few dips in the graph line. But "crashes"? And working for months to get back to where one was before the 'crash'? That's a CLEAR indication that whatever is being done is definitely NOT working...because that's just not how healing happens.
2) The adrenal glands don't control every organ/system in the human body...that's just ridiculous. If there is one that does, it's the digestive tract (grade school science: no organism (no matter what it's size) can sustain life if it can't 1) obtain & assimilate all the nutrients it requires 2) expel & neutralize it's own waste/toxins....and of course the brain. But even the brain doesn't function adequately if the the two criteria above aren't met.
3) Unnatural & synthethic supplements. Yep, they'll force an action in the natural body that will create a bandaid for the symptoms (just like a piece of duct tape over the oil light in your car will stop you from seeing it and being annoyed by it). But that's not healing, that's bandaiding...and it always causes worse symptoms down the line. See 'crashes' above.
How many people on CZ have had no (or light) symptoms of hypoglycemia, and then started Lam's protocol (or started taking Vitamin C supplements) and then had their hypoglycemia worsen? A lot of people. Why? Hypoglycemia can and is caused by using this unnatural chemical. Look at ALL the adverse affects of ascorbic acid supplements here (along with a lot of other fantastic information) : For healthyartist - Adverse effects of Ascorbic acid Re: Uny- my gums, w...
4) Relying upon drugs or 'supplements'. No matter whether it's pharmaceuticals, glandulars, or even the highest quality of herbs, the reason for adrenal fatigue/stress (or any other illness) is not a lack of pharmaceuticals, freeze-dried animal glands or herbs. The cause the adrenal stress is what needs to be addressed, and THEN one can use substances that are natural to our natural body to help restore the damage.
5) Many people (especially those in the younger age group) are unwilling to give up one of the largest contributing factors to adrenal fatigue...and that's wifi, cellphones and all other types of EMF frequencies that are like a sledgehammer to our body (particularly our adrenals). You'll want to read ALL the information regarding this in the "EMF Cortisol Connection" section in this link: EMF induced Neuro-endocrine Stress Syndrome
And lastly, fear & lack of knowledge. Fear is an anti-healer; it is the opposite of victory. If we mix fear with a lack of knowledge (particularly, a lack of strong/solid knowledge regarding why MD/NDs do not achieve healing, let alone practice 'the healing arts', and why we should not depend upon them), then we end up in a state of "diseased powerlessness"...where we are at the mercy of others when it comes to the health, vibrancy and freedom of our body & life. This is particularly important to know, because those others do NOT have our 'health, vibrancy & our freedom' at their bottom line (although many of them are conditioned to think that they do). Please read this post http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1372970#i (which is two years old, noting there are other aspects of healing adrenal issues that are not included in that post). It's important that you have (at least) a baseline knowledge of why allopathic & alternative medicine are something you should fear FAR more than learning to heal yourself naturally...and that baseline is in the post above.
Another reason we have have fear is because we don't fundamentally understand what we're doing (and we're doing it to OUR body). So we read a bit, try a few things, and our body (that's in a state of dis-ease) throws us a few reactions. We automatically assume "our body doesn't like that" or "that hurts our body", when it may very well be a situation (just like a car) that when we attempt to unclog and restore an engine that's been compromised for decades, that getting everything stirred up produces reactions that scare us...but that doesn't necessarily mean we're on the wrong track. KNOWLEDGE conquers fear in every regard! So the more reading/learning you can do before jumping into making major changes is going to ensure you're starting from a strong foundation :) YAY!
Re: some "juicing questions"... and others.. [Unyquity]http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1441727#i
EXCERPT about taking IF#1 & IF#2 and juicing fasting:
remember - with this protocol EVERYTHING works together. Likely/typically the reason for 'horrible heartburn' when juice fasting, is that the digestive tract slows down substantially - and less 'downward flow' means even more gas pushing upward (especially the gas from the layers of putrefying mucoid plaque). This is remedied by the use if IF#1/#2 (the IF#1 gets you going and keeps/increases the outward/downward flow and the IF#2 provides the bulk to keep things moving).
Then there's the issue of detoxing (and all the nasty symptoms that go along with it) IF#1/IF#2 to the rescue again. It is IMPERATIVE when fasting (any kind) to ensure daily bowel activity to help remove the vast amount of toxins that are being released (that's the IF#1) - then the IF#2 (better yet) contains both activated charcoal AND bentonite clay. Both of these substances aDsorb (not absorb) toxins & heavy metals. Adsorption is a electro-magnetic "pull" to itself - and this pull is SO strong/effective that it will actually pull poisons & heavy metals out of your bloodstream/tissues and into the digestive tract/itself, to be safely pooped away :) YAY! Everytime I've ever juice fasted I've always used IF#2 (I don't need IF#1) - and the time before last (30 day fast) on day 17 I thought "I'll just stop the IF#2 for a couple of days to do some serious liver work & coffee enemas, that way I won't have to deal with all the 'fiber'". Well, well, WELL, within 24 hours my tongue was 'marshmallow white' (no kidding, absolutely NO pink to be seen), I had a raging headache and my emotions were like a drill sargeant with rabies! And within an hour or two of taking a double dose of IF#2, I felt 75%+ better :)
VERY incomplete/misleading information for decision making [Unyquity]http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1387217#i
"Body typing is not something that Dr Chrisopher or Schulze subscribed to, and basically I don't either. No zookeeper adjusts the 'primate diet' for the individual monkey, and no farmer adjusts the diet for each individual cow. We're all humans. Yes, with a broad range of genetic backkgrounds (which certainly may play a part) - but the healing diet used by Schulze, Gerson, & Christopher was never known to need any major 'tweaking'.
Attention. ASSIMILATION of foods & juices. Required Reading!!
Per Dr. Christopher:
Because of the years of improper eating, the body is now suffering from malnutrition. This is because food is not being assimilated, causing starvation of the bodies cells. It is not the amount of food that has been eaten matters, but the quality and how well it has been assimilated. We may take a healthy quantity of food into our bodies, but only that which has been properly assimilated can be utilized for rebuilding and repairing cells and malfunctioning areas. Proper assimilation is acquired by drinking the solid foods and chewing the liquid food. This is an old and true axiom. What this means is we should thoroughly chew our solid foods which mixes the saliva with the food until it becomes liquid, and then we drink it. The liquid foods must be swished (or chewed) in the mouth, then swallowed. The saliva thoroughly mixed with the foods is the key that opens up the doors of digestion. Without mixing saliva with the food, the balance of the digestive juices are not activated for good assimilation. By gulping or inhaling our food without properly mixing saliva with it, we get only eight to ten percent of its value. By properly chewing, we can raise this to forty or forty-five percent. The remainder is generally cellulose or indigestible fiber. We not only receive better health but also save money. Food is one of our largest expenditures. If we can get four to six times better assimilation and use four to six times less food, we are saving a lot of money! By this simple method alone, which gives better assimilation, we gain superior health and a happier life. With one fourth or one third of the food we have been used to eating, we can receive much more power and energy. Remember, a large part of attaining good health results from chewing both solid foods and liquid food.
Uny adds...Re: PLEASE READ! Just to make it quite clear.. [Unyquity] http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1435545#i
...just to make sure there's NO misunderstanding:
Juice fasting is for anybody and everybody that wants to heal anything & everything.
Dr. Schulze/Christopher had thousands of patients on juices when they weren't "incurable"...and THAT folks, was what they thought they needed 25-70 YEARS AGO! It's even more important in these troubled times.
NOT juice fasting is NOT going to stop your body from healing itself (remember, "juicers" were not something that were even available to most people in Dr. Christopher's time...and they got results - yet many made their juices by HAND). The truth is, that everytime you take 65% of the bodies energy and put it to the complete process of "digestion" of solid foods, you divert (up to) 65% of your body's energy that COULD have been used for healing.
If you want/need to get well FASTER, JUICE FAST MORE!
Blessings of health -
Absolutely every organ & system of the body work together and depend upon each other for everything - in issues of "digestion & assimilation" we're generally looking at the entire alimentary canal, the liver & pancreas...most specifically: bile from the liver; enzymes from the pancreas; acid from the stomach; beneficial gut-flora (I like the word: microbiota to describe these); peristaltic action (squeezing) and assimilation & elimination throughout the small intestines & colon.
And many times the largest percent of the problem is lack of adequate peristalsis - caused by lack of stomach acid, lack of bile (due to liver congestion), lack of microbiota (due to the chemicals we ingest that kill them and a terrain that is hostile to them) & parasites - which are typically caused by (or can cause) a colon that is filled & impacted with a substantial build-up of thick, rubbery, acidic, toxin-laden putrefying 'mucoid plaque' throughout the intestinal tract.
This mucoid plaque at the base of (and throughout) the alimentary canal (the main tube) causes all kinds of intestinal issues, including swelling/engorging the colon (stretching it 'out of elasticity' & causing diverticuli); providing the perfect feeding/breeding/hiding place for parasites; causing a very inhospitable environment for a good balance of microbiota; producing gas (that travels both up AND down throughout the tubing, causing all kinds of disruptions); covers the villi (tiny hairlike structures) throughout the intestines through which the nutrients are assimilated...and everything we ingest has to soak through this toxic, acidic filth before it's assimilated - hence stressing our liver 24 hours a day.
It's very rare anyone sees long-term benefits from doing a couple of 5 day cleanses - 30 days is a very strong good start (but it's very common to see all kinds of debris & build-up coming out in the second/third 30 days). Yes, the IF#1 to get the 3 or more bms daily would be a great assistance. Think of the IF#2 like "scrubbing bubbles with suction"...the more times it comes into contact with the build-up (and then 'washed away'), the more times debris is abraded and 'pulled & loosened' from the intestinal wall. So increasing the amount of bms is very beneficial.
Absolutely FANTASTIC "testimony" in the above post! Re: Is there any harm? [Unyquity]
It IS absolutely phenomenal what top-grade quality-fuel (easily assimilated juice from fruits & veggies) can accomplish, and how quickly it can be accomplished (especially when we're undernourished and our 'tank is empty')! And it's even more phenomenal (in a very frustrating kind of way), how "experts" attribute the various causes of our problems to the outward symptoms that are presented. Just because we have symptoms of "adrenal fatigue" doesn't mean our adrenals are the CAUSE of themselves being stressed. Lack of oxygen/blood flow, lack of assimilation (hence lack of vital nutrition), various isolated substances/supplements that overwork the adrenals, lack of hormones (either via lack of production by thyroid/ovaries, etc...or lack of them being processed adequately by the liver/other) can force the adrenals to work harder unneccesarily, and so forth and so forth & so on...not to mention real life stressers (and their finding more and more...E.M.F.s! Folks we've GOT to ditch the totally unnecessary gizmos & gadgets that people have lived (quite adequately) for thousands of years withOUT!)
Sheesh, won't they EVER learn. We have to address the CAUSE, not the symptoms. Sure, supplementing with Vitamin C, B5, herbs will lessen or eliminate the symptoms of adrenal fatigue in many people...but if you stop the supplements, the symptoms typically return (or new problems develop because of the inbalances and stress caused by the supplements). We call that "bandaiding the symptoms", and it's really no different that putting a piece of duct tape over the oil light on your dashboard when it comes on. SURE, the "symptom" stops glaring you in the face when you 'bandaid it', but it never goes away (and things ALWAYS get WORSE) until you address the real cause of the symptoms. Just like the cause of our illness is never "a lack of pharmaceutical drugs", the cause not "a lack of supplements" either.
Help Enclosed...Re: Bleeding Ulcers [Unyquity]http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1419474#i
Let's take this point by point, and then summarize. I've had a chance to read through about 2 pages of your past posts, and I would like to first explain that in successful natural healing we strive to get at the root cause (or the cause behind the cause behind the symptom). Generally this is always a FULL body approach, because all systems in the body ARE interconnected (there's generally no way to isolate just one system/organ and expect to have a true healing). But before I go into that, first we need to get your bad symptoms under some level of control.
For josephr525 (and everyone, of course) LONG [Unyquity]
Thank you Water01! That was a brilliant thread. I went through my bout of adrenal fatigue in January this year for about 6 weeks. You name the AF symptom, I had it. I cried almost everyday, nausea, light headed, floaty, disconected, brain fog, anxiety/panic attacks/depression, racing heart rate, fluttering in my limbs, I could go on. It was hell on earth. I knew something was wrong with me so my first response was to clean out with colon cleanses (bentonite and psylium) and then liver cleanses for about a month. It was extremely stressful to try doing these back to back and having to work six days a week on top of that. I lived on gallons of chammomile tea,valerian root, rescue remedy, and magnesium (Natural calm) which took some of the edge off. I should have been juicing too, but live and learn. Thankfully as a person who does healing work professionaly I knew some things I could do for myself such EFT which helped a lot but some days had to tap for hours to level out my nervous system. I also called on the help of a friend who does healing and she generously worked on me whenever I felt like I was crashing. That helped me tremendously and now I would like to give something back for all the help I have recieved going through this.
My heart goes out to those of you suffering with AF and I would like to offer all of you a 15min healing session. It's not a cure-all but when you are a level 10 panic anxiety attack it will knock it down to a managable level and also help the healing process a bit. I will also teach you EFT (emotional freedom techniques) if you are not familiar with it. Just PM me if you need some help. Everything I do is by phone or Skype.
Health Blessings