This is more than likely related to what you're taking in. It can be a reaction to the Candida die-off, but it can also be your body struggling to process the intense burst of minerals, vitamins, and such that you're taking in. Some people are more sensitive than others, and you may need to use smaller quantities. It would also be good idea to have a
food allergy blood test done if you didn't already (the reactions you describe are common allergic response symptoms).
You also need to consider your supplements. Not everyone can tolerate supplements, and not all of us can handle them in the standard doses. You may want to eliminate some things and start from the beginning, adding one at a time in small amounts to see if anything is triggered.
If you have access to a good practitioner who can muscle test or dowse, that too can be very useful.
On another point, it would be good to make sure you don't have an inner ear or neck issue (again, holistic practitioners are better equipped to determine that).
If you need more ideas, let me know.