People with laeky gut or ibs need to be careful with raw garlic. Raw garlic can be very irritating to the GI tract. Not to mention all the gas it can produce as well. When something irritates the intestines too much the intestines will produce mucus to try to protect the lining! I experienced this with my colonics. When I did spicy foods or foods that irritated my gut there would be a lot mucus coming through the tube of my colonics. I had to stop doing garlic because it was just irritating my gut to much. Then when you irritate your gut too much it decreases your appetite and then you end up eating less which is a decrease in nutrients. Just something to consider.
Tried threelac. Candida laughed at it and shoved it to the side. Threelac is not strong enough and is a rip off. I can find other probiotics that create much more die-off than Three-lac. Threelac is weak. You can find some other probiotics with the same strains that are 10X more potent. 500 million colony units of a friendly bacteria per serving is like trying to put a fire out with a squirt gun. The inner-eco kefir I take is suppose to have close to a trillion per serving. Probiotics are expensive until you get the candida numbers down. Some antifungals (sf722,etc are a lot more cost effective and more effective right now. However the coconut kefir i take is only 12$ a bottle and that causes serious die off.
Not Grouchy when i wrote the passage. Just dont like it when the producers of threelac act like it can cure systemic candida without a strict diet. When it takes much more than just taking a low strength/over priced probiotic.