You are a perfect person in need of some cranial manipulation. there are some chiropractors that do cranial but most don't.
If you are willing to share the first 4 digits of your zip code I would be willing to look for you.
The school that I do most of my osteopathic bodywork training with has an organization that they are part of that list people who have trained with them and other related schools and lists what trainings they have done. It is not the only way to find someone, but it is one way that I can feel good about making a referral. I prefer someone who training in cranial and visceral and neural manipulation, because then they are looking at the whole picture and not just one aspect.
Chiropractic is great is you have only spinal ligamentous issues. rolfing is awesome if you have only myofascial (connective tissue that wraps the muscles) issues. Craniosacral is great if you only have cranial resrictions. But whiplash can bugger up so much in the body: strains in nerves, arteries, organs, cranium, spinal ligamentous and more.
I could go on and on but I will stop there for now.
happy to help!