I'm sorry if I sounded as if I was replying curtly... I certainly didn't mean to come across that way, especially to the people who are suffering from the same thing as I do, please excuse me if I came across as doing so.
What I meant to say was, we're all "assuming" things that can be marked off by doctors as "paranoid".. We feel uncomfortable when people cough, sniffle, or for me, when whisper/laugh in a group, but we've never directly went up to someone and asked if we had a certain smell. Some of us may had people directly tell us that we smelled something of the abnormal, but others never had a direct confrontation and only "assumed" for the past X years by what others say behind our backs or their reactions when we enter a room.
I still cannot understand why doctors, family, or friends that I've asked do not smell me. And they are telling the truth-- if I say that they are lying even after I had asked seriously, then my mentality has really gone out of the ordinary. And I'm sure that there are poor, unfortunate people that can really smell the worst from us (the reasoning as to why people are selected, I am curious as well). But I do not think that we are "assuming" anything; I'm sure that we have a plausible reason as to why we believe we have an odor. However, we have to have EVIDENCE for us to progress... Why must all of us enter a doctor's office and be laughed at? Then be referred to a PSYCHOLOGIST because we are seen as paranoid? This breaks my heart--I am not, and you guys are not, CRAZY for God's sake...
We need to be stronger and braver than what we already are now... I know going out to the world is hard every DAY, but we need to continue to push further! Don't be a fool by asking everybody you meet, but if people are coughing and you think they smell you, go up to them and ask directly instead of feeling like shrinking in a corner... The moment of embarrassment will top what--5 minutes?, but at least you'll have your answer, instead of wondering, doubting, and hurting for so many years that has already gone by... And, I believe, if we open up about what we're going through to other people, some of them will understand.. I'm sure that not ALL people are cruel, maybe that's the reason why I continue to live, believe, smile, and remain optimistic in this world.