I figure I'm the last person that either of you guys wants to hear from. No one wants to hear from the guy on the forum who's all gung-ho about the program and excited to do each aspect of it. But I hope you will take what I'm saying seriously and give it some thought.
You are both around the age I was when I first got sick. I was 25. I didn't know at the time that it was pills that I had taken that had made me ill. So although I tried many different things, I didn't always try the right things. Instead, I just got more ill over the next seven years. Now, I'm 32. Or better yet, my body is 32, but I'm still that 25 year old that got cheated out of the last seven years. Along the way, I encountered many different ideas about how I should live, what I should eat, and whether or not I needed to cleanse my body. And I always had an excuse about why I couldn't do it. Things like: "But I want to enjoy life now! I don't have time to be a total health-nut." "I'm too skinny to fast. Clearly, I need bacon." "You can't live off vegetables." "It's not my liver, it's gotta be something else."
I tried to live as healthily as possible, but I regularly indulged in chicken Caesar salads, burgers and fries, pizzas, some beer, cappuccinos, etc. I fell back on my excuses and never committed to a full-on cleanse. I juiced sometimes, added probiotics, and did other things that are actually beneficial. But without giving up my "indulgences" and committing to a TOTAL cleanse, these things were useless and I continued to get worse. And though these foods were enjoyable to the tongue, as my body broke down, I enjoyed them less and less because of how they made me feel.
When I started to get ill, I could still walk. I could still hike mountains. I could still play the guitar. I could still sing. I had energy. But I had also damaged my liver with those pills. And now, since I didn't take the time to cleanse it then, it's not just my liver anymore. I've been malnourished for seven years because of that dirty liver and so many other things in my body have been damaged. The cartilage in my joints has deteriorated. I have tears and nodules in my tendons and muscles. I have misaligned joints and low energy. I'm lucky if I can walk around the block. If I could trade all of those burgers and all of those pizzas and all of the other sh*t I continued to do to my body while this was happening, if I could trade all of that, and go back in time, and tell that 25 year old: "Stop what you are doing. Go on a juice fast. Clean your colon. Clean your liver. Clean your kidneys. And start eating to live and not living to eat," I would. I'm trying to play catch up now, and it's really hard when you let things go to this degree. You two know what your troubles are. You know what pills you took and what they do, and you've got this forum and this support. You have a knowledge that I didn't have. Don't squander it. Don't end up like me, having to wear braces on all of my joints at times.
Maybe you think that my problems don't apply to yours. You don't have these worms that I'm battling. But these worms and the other things got out of control in my body because when it was at its weakest, I didn't do anything. The liver is supposed to kill worm eggs and my liver was jacked, so they took over my intestines. The liver does EVERYTHING for us, and if you don't clean it out, your health is bound to keep spiraling downwards.
When you go to those restaurants you guys go to with your normal 25 and 23 year olds, take a good look around at the 30 and 40 year olds in there. Do they look heathy? Is that what you want to become?
I'm not suggesting that this stuff is easy to do, and that it doesn't alienate you from the people around you. But look, do it while it is still a choice for you. Do it and get it over with, and move on with your life. You know what else alienates you? Bad health. I've lost a lot of so-called friends because of this illness. Because I can't go out, share a meal with someone, walk around town or take a short hike. I can't even consider doing most of the things that I enjoyed regularly when I was in my twenties. That will alienate you quickly. Taking 6 months out of your life to do a hardcore cleanse ain't a big deal in the long run.
Surround yourself with people that support what you are doing. If your family and friends don't understand, explain what you are doing and why to them clearly. Explain it to yourself first so that you really know what you believe and what you want to say. If they still won't support you (and they probably won't), separate yourself from them as much as possible and do it alone. You are the only one who can take responsibility for your health and get better.
And instead of thinking up excuses as to why you can't do this or that or why it's okay to eat this or that, take 5 minutes, and think about why you should or need to do this or that, and why eating something else is better. Put your mind where it needs to be.
Ultimately, you guys will do what you want and make whatever excuses you want about why you can't juice fast, why you can't commit to a full cleanse, why you have to eat out every once in a while, or why my problems are different from yours. But when you're 32 or whatever age, and can't walk anymore, you'll remember this post. And you'll wish you hadn't been so foolish. Hopefully you don't end up there.
From one of my favorite songs:
"When hurting yourself feels right
And there's nothing familiar in sight
Take the time to pull the weeds choking flowers in your life
Or seal your doom"
-Jerry Cantrell
I wish you guys the best of luck in all this. I hope that you make the right choices and find yourself glad about what you chose throughout the course of your lives. Don't forget that you have this forum and all of these great people from which to gather info, strength and motivation.