Does someone has any idea of what could be the root cause of my condition:
Ferritin high: 754ug/L
Other iron parameters normal.
Iron Sat coef: 0.4
Lymphocyts high: 0.441 rel
Neutrophils low: 0.373 rel
Eosinophils rel high: 0.093
Eosinophils abs high: 0.5 x109/L
Other typical blood test parameters are normal.
H-Pylori breath test: negative
I am waiting for genetic test result for hemochromatosis
Weight lost (12 lb in 14 months, now about 25 lb underweight)
Burning throat at wake-up (not every day) sometimes continue all day
Anal itching
Intestinal gas
abdominal pain or disconfort or nausea (intermittant)
Depression (almost gone now, was present several months ago)
Lack of motivation for intellectual work
Nasal congestion
Bad breath
Burning mouth syndrome (now under control with complex B and ALA)
insomnia (intermittant, almost gone now)
Last 2 fingers of left hand numb
Tender regions on the sides of jaw and behind the ears
These symptoms have been on and off for the last 4 years.
Other symptoms were present before: joint pains, back and neck pains. 98% gone now.
I have seen several doctors and alternative practitionner over a period of 13 years. Spent a lot of money in the last year.
I am male, 42
No job since more than a year (engineer)
I am broke and rather desperate.