There is an excellent article written about the toxic effects of acetaldehyde produced from candida metabolism. Definitely worth looking into. Apparently the article suggests that acetaldehyde cannot be easily excreted by the body and can create all sorts of problems for the liver and other organs. A tired liver (from trying to detoxify acetaldehyde) can easily translate into a person feeling run down, exhausted or fatigued after meals. The reason why candida sufferers have tiredness after meals is that according to the article, the candida is feeding on the food just eaten, and giving off acetaldehyde, which the liver now has to detoxify. The article also suggests that supplementing with the mineral molybdenum may help convert acetaldehyde into substances which are easily utilized or excreted by the body.
In testing this hypothesis, I have found that if I take molybdenum in the morning and also at lunchtime (following the directions on the label), my after meal fatigue levels are much improved. This self-test (and more importantly the results) was both my confirmation of having GI candida overgrowth and well as confirmation that effective treatments exist. I now take my molybdenum daily during the week (5 days on, 2 days off).
As for your question about leaky gut causing fatigue, I would only estimate that it's possible, but if you're not feeling fatigue after eating while also taking the Candex, then I would question if that's really the cause. Rather, the Candex is killing the candida, which is then not eating/metabolizing as much. Hence you have more energy after meals.