thanks for the post and info. Reports about its effects on diabetics appear to be mixed. In some cases, the purported healing effects were temporary; in others, they seemed to be permanent. Long-term medical clinical trials and tracking obviously need to be done. Anyway, this botanical appears to have a wide spectrum of uses and not just limited to just five chronic ailments. Do you have any leads on where is sold on the internet? What is the protocol for diabetic patients, etc?
At Wikipedia, this is what I read:
"Loliondo has become a very famous place in Tanzania due to the "miracle cure" administered by Ambilikile Mwasapile ... known as "Babu wa Loliondo" (meaning Loliondo Grandfather). The cure is said to cure all incurable diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, ulcers, etc.
The curing plant that is used there is called Carissa edulis from the Apocynaceae family. It has been there since ancient times and C. edulis is found in Arabia and reaches through tropical Africa to the Transvaal, Botswana and north and northeast Namibia, in warm bushveld and scrub.
Geographic distribution Native: Botswana, Cambodia, Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Japan, Kenya, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia,Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen ..."
Medicinal uses
[1] carissin from root for cancer therapy
[2] quebrachytol and cardio-glycosides from twigs for
Tapeworm removal.
[3] boiled leaves as poultice for toothache.
[4] root bark + spices for lumbago and enema
[5] root scrapings for glandular inflammation
[6] ground-up roots for venereal diseases, gastric ulcers, restoration of virility, expectorant and aborting fetuses.
[7] root infusion/decoction with other botanicals for chest pains, malaria
[8] other uses: herpes simplex, insomnia, fatigue, HIV
Non-medicinal uses [1] appetizer [2] vinegar [3] flavoring soups and stews [4] jam [5] fuel [6] snake repellent [7] firewood