The logic that Mars should have creatures doesn't make sense when comparing with Earth. Earth is closer to the Sun and receives more energy. Mars is smaller, less gravity, and receives less energy from the Sun.
Yes but the logic behind Darwin theory is that the beings or creatures adapted to its environment by natural selection or just disapear if cannot adapt. Why wouldn't we consider the fact that Mars or venus are far or closer to the sun with more or low gravity as a change in the enviroment? and Therefore, the creatures must adapt or disapear? If no, then the life is more specific to the earth. But dispear is mars is no sens because it must exist first. That will logicaly leds to an exclusive life in earth because if life exist before in Mars it should continue to exist because it did exist ( somehow). You can disapear just if you exist.
The reason I would say that I think Darwin was wrong is because he attributes the change in creatures to random. I would rather say that evolution if it is really behind the diversity of the creatures was to led to the Human being. I can never accept the fact that some trees give fruits for us was an act of chance.
Even in the bible and the Coran there is a notion about evolution. In the Coran in many part God says that when he curses some people he made them monkeys. Maybe to put the human being back into his animal form ( his closest cousin). It is a story about People who broke Shabat and God told them to be monkeys. I believe deeply that this verset meantsomthing. If Homo sapein is irresponsible than the Almighty can make him back into his closest cousin.
The other verse that deals with the issue of evolution is when God says ""O Children of Adam ! Surely We have sent down to you a garment that would cover your shame and be a good vesture. And the garment of Piety
I believe that Human being was not created to be like Animals in the way that we have just skin so we are dignify to cover ourself by ourself unlike other animals. Here it comes the idea of the human walking on moon.
Best regards,