Hello. I am very curious about levels of.....
cortisol, reverse T3 and Aldersterone.
Can these hormones fuctuate from hour to hour and/or week to week, just like blood pressue and blood sugar?
On three difference occassions the past year, blood work showed my cortisol level low, and other two time high, but my aldersterone was so low it was even out of range.
Would not low aldersterone coinside with low cortisol?
And when cortisol is high, I still can have lower blood glucose readings and hypoglycemic symptoms.
Again too, when I had the blood draws, it was painful and was wondering if even the pain could have caused those adrenals to secrete some extra adrenaline and cortisol.
I am super sensitive this way and even at the slightest pain or stress my adrenals go into overdrive, by the way, I have pretty much been following your advise from you website. I've read it "all" especially for very severe form of AF. I'm in Oklahoma and there are no good drs. or naturopaths, yet alone that specialize in AF, for within 200 miles or more.
Thank you.