Hi all,
I have always had stretchmarks since my boobs grew really fast to an F cup! I've always hated them.
But with weight loss, my boobs have shrunken and gotten saggier and the extra skin is making the stretchmarks look even worse! (Or maybe the stretchmarks are making the loose skin look worse!) Either way, I HATE them!!! They now look like deep wrinkles in the skin, but I know they're stretchmarks cos if I hold my skin in that area tight, I can see they are stretchmarks...but it's all due to weight loss!
I don't want plastic surgery/Boob job to fill them out again.
I can live with my boobs being saggy IF I get rid of those horrid, furrowed grooves on them! They've gone from red, to white, to deep "wrinkles" worse when I lean over forwards.
But don't know where to start...
They're too deep for lotions and potions. I've tried dermarolling a few times (no result so far but I will keep going).
You've have thought they'd have invented that with all the medical techniques these days that there'd be something!!
ANyone know any ways to "Fill in" these stretch marks and not making them look so deep? My boobs look all shadowed/creased from certain angles :(
I have copper peptides (not doing much so far) and retinol A (not doing much so far) and the dermaroller (not doing much so far). Only been trying them a few weeks though - do I need longer? I am not seeing ANY improvement.
Would laser be of any use, or because the fact is that the skin has gone into deep furrows with weightloss, would this not work?
Anyone else got this situation? Can find loads of posts on stretchmarks but not the loose skin with it!
Thanks :o)