I have read several of your posts regarding the FUT2 mutation! I have been through Hell these last two years: diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythemtosus, Lupus Nephritis, and Idiopathic Angioedema; served up a cocktail of vile steroids, chemos, and antibiotics (certain that I'm suffering from flox toxicity); gaslighted by all conventional doctors and taken advantage of by functional doctors. I feel down a well of depression until I discovered Eat 4 Your Type, which was on the shelves at the library where I'm employed. By reading the book, I was introduced to secretor status - Seriously, why have NONE of my doctors pointed me in this direction?! Anyway, I took the test and I am a nonnie.
Since discovering this mutation, my health has improved by leaps and bounds, however I'm positive there's more I can do. There is SO LITTLE info out there for us, and I would actually love to speak with you about your experience. If you are up to it, I would love to have an open dialogue, and listen to your experience, as well as what you've found works and what doesn't. My hope is to start a blog which compiles this information as a resource. It's tragic that most nonnies will never know the missing piece to unlocking health and healing.