Hi everyone,
About 3-4 weeks ago I developed chest pain and immediately thought it was my heart and book an appointment went to my GP.
The problem was I couldn't take deep breathes and had a piercing pain in my chest when I attempted to. My doctor took my blood pressure which was fine and then continued to question me.
I thought it was heartburn at first and told her that I took gaviscon which didn't really do anything. My doctor prescribed omeprazole 20mg. She also booked me in to get an ECG at the hospital which turned out fine. The nurse there said to me what ever pain I was getting could be due to skeletal or muscle damage. As I do weight train 4 times a week.
Anyway when I got home I had something to eat and noticed I felt quite full for what I had eaten. It took a few times of me experiencing that to realise I was bloating. Whether I drank or ate my stomach would feel like it was going to burst at the very top where the food enters,
I decided enough was enough and went back to my doctor who said continue to take the omeprazole. I didn't see how that would help as I looked into what it actually does. I stopped taking that on the second day.
I went back to a different doctor who told me it was constipation because I did notice that releasing waste wasn't as easy as usual. Also with the bloating my best times were when I was lying down or woke up in the morning
Anyway this different doctor prescribed me Movicol which I would dissolve in water. This actually worked. i went to the toilet and everything came out.. well what I thought was everything and the bloating and air gas feeling in my chest and back was gone. Woke up in the morning feeling great but stomach was still sore from all that stretching.
Anyway since then I became constipated again but I did stop taking the movicol but I didn't become constipated until like a week and half afterwards. I went back to my first doctor again and handed in a stool sample and also had my blood taken at the hospital and waiting for results.
I don't really have that much hope in my doctors as they can only go by what I tell them. Only I know exactly how this feels.
Due to the fact of me becoming constipated again I'm starting to think this is something to do with my gallbladder. I have a stiff feeling at the centre of my chest lower sternum area and just to the left. Also I've notice my back is either aching or feels like it has air n it. My right side rib just like 2 inchs below my nipple to the right slightly has a slight ache. I can breath properly and take deep breaths but I feel something is not right. I want to completely clean up my digestive system.
I have no idea why this started but I will say it did start the day after I completely changed my diet to much more healthier one than it was. Even though before it wasn't bad before. I don't see why eating healthier would trigger this. Maybe it was my intake of chicken? Is it a gastric ulcer? I have no idea. I've lost nearly a stone in a month because I haven't been able to eat as freely as I normally do.
Either way I want to clean up and need some direction. Your advice would be much appreciated.