I survived toxic black mold. I had every symptom in the book. I couldn't talk for about a year without stuttering. I was ready to die.
Then I read about Dr. Richie Shoemaker at
I got an appointment with him.
The only way I made it up to Maryland to see him was that I read his book Mold Warriors and found out that his protocol included Cholestyramine. It is a tree resin that binds the mycotoxins when they circle back around to the bile salts.
Then they flush out through your bowels.
So I found some online. PLEASE GET SOME TOO. It's easy to find. They also call it questran. I was able to walk and talk like a normal person after 5 days of taking it.
You mix it up with water. Absolutely no side effects but some constipation so have some exlax or something ready.
But it's a natural tree resin. 4 years later I'm flying airplanes and can think normally. I beg of you. When I see the stories on here. It's so heartbreaking when nobody knows this treatment. Get OUT OF ANY MOLDY HOME. Don't bring anything from that moldy house with you. Burn it all.
The bible is right about burning down a moldy house. Get some Cholestyramine. Its about 150 bucks for 60 doses or something. Just look it up. You can get it without a prescription. Or get your DR. To give it to you for Cholesterol. Take it so you can have your life back. It works on EVERYONE. Read the book Mold Warriors.
Best wishes,
Pete Cannedfrank