About 13.5 months ago i posted about the tragedy of having badly damaged my heart by unknowingly pushing too hard in a run and over-extending it. Before this incident my level of fitness was such that my resting heart rate was a beautiful 40 bpm.
After the incident it was about 80 for several days before finally working it's way down to about 65-68 and then 60-63 over the next few weeks... and 60-63 is where it remained over the following 13 months, even through 2 major resting fasts of 30 and 36.5 days and another of medium length, a 17 day fast that was concluded about 2 months ago. Lastly about a month ago i began to dry fast 16 hours each day, eating with full (not partial) nutriment within the remaining 8 hour window.
Before engaging the first healing fast 13.5 months ago, intuitively i felt that i would know my heart was healed only once my resting heart rate returned to about 40, something i believed i would possibly achieve in that first fast but didn't.
In any case and without further adieu, here are the most recent developments. 2 weeks ago the rate was still 60-63 as it had steadily persisted over the previous 13 months. Within 2 days it was 58. 2 days after this it was 52 and today it was 44!
It's an extremely surprising and spontaneous development after such a long wait and i don't want to make any absolute conclusions just yet, but I take this as an exceedingly good sign that the healing of my heart may finally be nearing completion.
Here is the original post: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1583047#i
Hey Chiron :),
i knew i didn't know how to spell it so i did kind of a very quick spell check and messed it up anyway. :D
"You're one of the bright lights of water fasting."
Thank you for the nice complement. I could say the same for you : ).