Hi all,
I did a challenge many years ago which showed low levels of all metals. I am very sick, much sicker even than those who do show heavy metal toxicity. I have never understood how someone less sick than me could accumulate metals while I, much sicker, did not. It hever made sense.
During some random googling today I found this website in which the author presents the concept that DMSA and DMPS can be oxidized if you do not have enough antioxidants in your system. I have had very low glutathione throughout my illness until recently.
I am currently working on relieiving the oxidative stress and when I have proven it with testing I will do another challenge test.
Read Pollys section starting iwth "if your body's"
This makes perfect sense to me and may explain the women "Karen" that sadpanda or powertool (I forget which, I am sorry) discussed who did not show metals until much later in chelation. Maybe in the earlier chelations the DMPS was acting as an antioxidant until her antioxidant reserves improved enough so that the DMPS could actually chelate metals.