Been using a "grounding/earthing" mat for the last 3 weeks or so and have noticed a definite improvement in my overall health including better, deeper sleep. I'm remembering my dreams for the first time in a few years at the end of sleep.
Just wanted to share this with you all as I know many people suffer from a myriad of ailments of which this type of product can help to remedy. To learn more visit -
and check out this inspiring video -
"The surface of the Earth resonates with natural, subtle energies. Ongoing scientific research is discovering the details as to why people feel significantly better when they connect with these omnipresent energy fields. Earthing refers to the process of connecting by walking barefoot outside, as humans have done throughout history, or sitting, working, or sleeping grounded indoors. For more than a decade, thousands of people around the world—men, women, children, and athletes—have incorporated Earthing into their daily routines and report that they sleep better, have less pain and stress, and faster recovery from trauma. Earthing immediately equalizes your body to the same energy level, or potential, as the Earth. This results in synchronizing your internal biological clocks, hormonal cycles, and physiological rhythms, and suffusing your body with healing, negatively charged free electrons abundantly present on the surface of the Earth."