My big favorite is valerian. It just seems to take the edge off for me when I get too uptight or have been pushing myself too hard or something stressful happens. I use it when I can't sleep and used to use it for PMS too (very effective for me)- but that's not much of a problem anymore 'cause I got too old! I've given it to angsty teenagers, hyperactive children and grumpy husband too with good results in our family.
I haven't gotten around to tincturing it yet but the powdered stuff I got from Mountain Rose is not that awful tasting and I just stir 1/2- 1tsp into warm water and down it. If you are going to get it to tincture though you should order the cut root. I grew it here too but I didn't have the patience to dig up and clean all those little roots but it is definitely doable and easy to grow.
Hope this helps
Oh, I just remembered that when one of my daughters was new, she was very colicky and upset a lot. I would rub a few drops of tincture of valerian down her spine and neck and it really helped her to relax.