I had fecal odor years ago and used calcium/magnesium and was cured. The problem returned when I would, ahem, choke that chicken (masturbate) to relief stress at night, and ate poorly. Calmag combo would take care of it if I took 15 of them before bed and the next morning I was so fresh I smelt amazing.
I get the problem whenever I masturbate - I'm a dude in my twenties with chronic stress and would seek relief that way - and calmag was the answer. However, five months ago, I was stressed and did it again one night to help me fall asleep. Then I took a long bus trip the following day and had the fecal odor without knowing it (I figured it out from the passengers' reaction) and I took tons of calmag again but this time to no avail!!!!
The only difference was that I was hungry for like two days and had a beer during the bus ride. Does that make any fundamental chances in one's system that it would stop absorbing minerals??
I have read this forum constantly and tried everything else that was prescribed, still no avail. The smell comes from my colon/intestines area, or somewhere down below the ribs and maybe all the way from the anus, can't figure it out where exactly. When I take magnesium now I smell fresh as before, but get this, only the top part of my body and not the whole body as before! So magnesium along with chlorophyll, PART OF ME SMELLS REALLY NICE that only I can smell. BUT OTHERS SMELL THE FECES WHICH OVERRIDES THE FRESH SMELL FROM THE SHOWER!!
Is something stuck somewhere? I took chlorella for two weeks, the second week I began to have unusually large BMs - for me anyway. I have tried it all and now spend my days contemplating suicide. After years of being odor free, I simply can't take this anymore!