Starting weight 222.8
Todays weight 206.4
Jan 2 starting weight previous 40 day water/ juice fast 258.8
Was bit dizzy ,bit fainting feeling yesterday. Checked blood pressure it was around 120/75 not high not super low but in the optimal range.
Water fastings can do that with the dizzyness/fainting feelings when getting up quick you have to get up slower or sometimes just when walking around. Blood pressure goes low on water and takes longer to get blood to brain.
If the feelings increase much more will have some salty juice like clamato or take salt pills will keep monitoring my blood pressure.
Otherwise not much new. Did treadmill and weights yesterday will do treadmill today. Do weights 3x week treadmill 5x week or recumbent bike. Might go outside for walk,jog soon as think its finally coming spring here.
Keep reading about you people stopping on day 1 or 2. Go to juice for first three days or so then switch to water .It will be easier. And if you keep starting and stopping you won't be losing any real fat just water weight mostly those first few days and it will come right back and you will get discouraged.You have to push into day 4 or so to get rid of hunger and to start burning up your fat. Fasting is easy after day 3 or 4.
So steel yourself as they say on Lord of the rings or as yoda says their is no try!
Stay away from food if possile first day or two. Then shouldn't be a big deal.
Serioulsy I am not physically hungry wasn't since about day 2 but am bored a bit and my mind can still desire food. Had some cravings lately but tell myself will eat them after fast. Just don't tell myself how long my fast will be.Its likely going to be 20 days or so but might be 25,30 see how it goes. Keep busy,read, watch tv, dvds ,play computer games, video games go outside for walk,clean the house,etc. More busy faster time goes.
bit of exercise can help you sleep bit better but I do wake up at 5am on fast usually annoying but whatever.Sometimes go back to sleep sometimes get up.
Seem to need less total sleep on fast.
And you can do longer juice fast and still lose weight. 30 days is pretty easy on juice or mix juice and water days.
If you have busy life with hard job then juice is easier than water. Slower on weight loss maybe half as fast but easier to stay on. And you can always maybe do two 30 day juice fasts instead of one 30 day water.