Hi Raynbo!
I actually don't know if this is a guide or not and truthfully, I jumped at the idea just to take your attention off the idea of trying to see him again.
Usually in dreams all characters are to be viewed as aspects of yourself. The only way that we can connect to other people is by our own experience. If we see purity in someone, it is a reflection of the purity in oneself. If we see someone whom we view as inconsiderate, that too is in us.
The first part of the dream is at a prom, which indicates end of one thing, beginning of next. Also note that proms and "Graduation" go together. To me this indicates that you have under gone enough trials in your life and are ready to graduate. Also life runs in cycles. It is spring, a time of renewal...
Can you look at this man in white and see him as part of yourself? The innocent, trusting, virginal part?
It is this part of yourself that is asking to be re-connected, not the actual man from the past.
The woman who accused you of being coy is most likely part of your inner critic. (mothers influence?) Also a part of you who experiences some of your pain and is abhorred by it.
In all I see this as a very positive dream, telling you that you are ready to move forward. In what way, I do not know.
Don't know if I've helped, but hope you're more relaxed
about the whole situation.
God Bless