I will answer your question as if it were a genuine question from someone that could be interested with the principles of pH balance.
The supported A/A theory depends on the participants of this forum.
I cannot speak for anybody else, but here's what I can say for myself:
I am of aware of several variants of the principles of pH balance. I have been introduced to it through Dr. Robert Young's book "The pH Miracle".
The main three variants I am more accustomed to are:
Dr Young's through his blog,
Earthclicnic's contributor from Bangkok, Ted, and
Moreless' from his CZ AskMoreless forum.
So, really, as I said, the supported A/A theory really depends on the background of the contributor.
I am also aware of patientadvocate's own website and I believe he has clinical experience with pH balancing and oxygen therapies.
To be brief, IMO the two most distinctive features of Moreless' protocols are the alkalizing baths and the necessity to eat quality produces. The quality of produces can be assessed through an instrument called Brix refractometer.
When I answer a post in the forum here, I try to answer as best as I can with the little knowledge I might have on that vast topic, and based on my own experience. If I feel that the person is completely new to the pH balance principles I might refer the person to Moreless' protocols because I feel that his are the most complete and the cheapest. Sometimes I may direct the person to some of Dr Young's blogs. It really depends on how I interpret the question I see.
I hope that the above answers satisfactorily your question.