Interesting. Well it seems to be the chicken or the egg ordeal. Did the gut dysfunction come first and screw the nervous system or did the nervous system issue come first and mess with the gut? They are both interrelated and also known as the "gut-brain connection" meaning once your gut is damaged you will suffer nervous system symptoms and if you are anxious or your nervous system doesn't function right, the gut and digestion will be affected. The parasympathetic system for those who studied biology is the "rest and digest" part of the body. Those of us who are in this dysfunction have been robbed of energy and are SO DEPLETED (name it what you will, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, CFID, chronic viral infection, candida) that the body is running on a hyperactive state. I like to refer to it as "fake energy". We are constantly in the state of "fight or flight" and in that case, the shift is to the sympathetic system and not "rest and digest" meaning well, no growth, non-anabolic, constate state of catabolism, etc. And it does affect digestion.
I am trying to get to the bottom of this and how this particular phenomena of gut-brain is all connected. Hope to write a book on it some day after i become a doctor.