I am an R.N. in a OB/GYN office and I have observed that it is quite common for
pregnant moms to have gallbladder attacks. The doctors try to wait until after
the baby is born to do the gallbladder surgery. I had exactly the pains you are
talking about in my gallbladder area through both of my pregnancies. That was
18 and 22 years ago! Well, now after my health went on to get much worse in
many respects, I found
Hulda Clark 's book, then Curezone. I also had a ultrasound
done of my gallbladder several years and ago and it showed no stones. Anrdreas
explains very well in his book The Amazing LIver Cleanse, why the stones do not
show up often. They are the cholesterol ones and not mineral. I have now been
Liver Flushing and totally changed my diet, etc. and I have passed many, many
stones-from very small to very large and lots of sludge and worms also! Yes,
estrogen increases gallstones. For that reason, there are warnings about
Birth control pills and HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) that they can cause
gallbladder problems. You have come to a excellent place! I would highly
recommend reading Andreas's book I mentioned above and read past notes on
Curezone and then decide your path to getting well! By the way, my health has
steadily imporved in major ways with the diet, liver, kidney, and colon cleansing.
Be patient! It took time to get sick and it takes time to get well!