Hi Paulette,
SORRY that I didn't respond to you sooner, but I have had computer problems, until I recently bought a NEW HP laptop computer! I have also been spending time getting prepared for my weekly HASTE Meetings (see below) and for the man-made disasters, that are coming SOON!
"THANKS" for your post!
Rev. 22:2.
HASTE Meeting – Natural Health, First Aid,
Preparedness & Survival
Friday, April 15th 2011: Food & Water – Part 13
DVD Nos. 1 & 2
Jim Meuninck & Dr. James Duke - Edible Wild Plants (47 mins.) & Trees, Shrubs, Nuts & Berries - Part 1 (12 mins.) + Trees, Shrubs, Nuts & Berries – Part 2 (12 mins.) & Forager’s Dozen (47 mins.)
In this 2 – part Video Series, the above co-authors take you afield identifying, harvesting and cooking 100 edible wild plants. From these experts, you’ll also learn the Native American and pioneer uses, discover how to make healthful herbal teas and make "berry delicious desserts". Plus this VERY INFORMATIVE video identifies poisonous and poisonous look-alike plants.
NOTE: You and/or your loved ones are very likely to have food shortage and medical aid problems at sometime in the future, and if you’re into PREPAREDNESS, then you’re going to want to learn about sources of food plants and medicinal herbs, that will HELP you and/or your loved ones to BE PREPARED! You're especially going to NEED to BE PREPARED ahead of Time during ANY EMERGENCIES (natural or man-made), such as Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and/or ANYTIME, when there may NOT be ANY foods or medicinal herbs available in the stores!
Location: Cup ‘O’ Joe Café/2418 E. Main St. (NW corner - Cassady & Main across from Bexley Public Library). Go through front door to doorway at end of the wall on the right and then go down the stairs to Bexley Community Room (left door at bottom of stairs).
Dates: Friday Nights - April 8th to May 20th (NOT including May 27th).
Times: 7:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. (approx.) plus Intermission (15-20 mins.)
Contact: Tom Harrelson/614-237-2590/tharrels@hotmail.com
Admission is FREE! The DVD, that's being shown on this night, will be available for a $5 minimum donation. Related FREE paperwork will also be available. Some of the past DVDs and related paperwork will be available also. 3 X 5 file cards and a pencil will be available, so that you can take notes, if you do NOT have a pad & pencil/pen. Please do your VERY BEST to arrive at least 10-15 minutes EARLY, so that we can get started on time!
NOTE: the Bexley Community Room can NOT exceed 20 people due to Bexley Fire Regulations.
Parking is available in the front, on the side and in the rear of the building. Food and/or Drinks are allowed in the Meeting Room, but only if bought and brought downstairs from the Café upstairs.
"THANKS" MUCH for your time, attention and interest!!