I went to my first appointment with this super specialized doctor in candida albicans infection. I spent 2 hours in his office.
He told me 100mg diflucan is a baby dose. He told me it is ridiculous. Nothing below 400 mg has a chance to work with this type of chronic infection. We can go up to 1200 mg a day under medical supervision.
He ran more than 30 blood test on me to test every single parameter of immune function. I went at the General hospital and the dr is a university teacher in microbiology/immunology. He works with immunocomprised patients.
He told me Th1/th2 are from the medical litterature of the 1980'S.
They just discovered that our problem is link to a cytokine deficient TH-17 response.
Candida transfer factor from human donor is already practiced with some sucess with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis patient.