I have been on this site and am almost 2 years post removal. I am one of the unlucky ones who took a very long time to feel better after removal, but looking back, I feel soo much better than I did with Mirena in, and even since the first year post.
I also had many eye problems related to Mirena. Dry Eye was the worst -- I almost couldn't work, couldn't sleep, and could hardly leave my house. This was one of the side effects that began clearing up as soon as the Mirena was removed, and slowly has gotten better to the point where my eyes are better than they were before Mirena. Floaters and blurriness is still there, but much better.
My digestion is pretty much back to normal! After years of nausea, heartburn, reflux, and poor digestion related to the Mirena, I am finally feeling better and eating normally.
Joint pain and night sweats all but disappeared as soon as Mirena was removed. Many of my issues did not resolve immediately upon removal -- but these miraculously did!
Tingling in hands and face, along with hot flashes (mostly my face) almost totally resolved, only shows up during my period.
Urinary/Urogenital problems (UTI's, Bacterial Vaginosis, Yeast Infections). Got better immediately after Mirena was removed. However, these all came back with the administration of progesterone cream after removal -- so be careful with this. However, I've been off the progesterone cream for a year now, and these problems have gotten better again.
I hope this helps! I have taken sooo long to improve, and things definitely got a little worse after removal before they got better -- but hang in there, and things will get better! I am pretty sure I am one of the outliers, and that most women will improve faster than I did, you WILL get through this.
Also -- if you are seeing a naturopath, ask for a saliva/urine hormone test. They are much more sensitive than blood tests, and naturopathic doctors are more open to giving them. My test was very helpful in understanding my symptoms and their treatment. I was also prescribed progesterone cream after Mirena removal to help with symptoms. In a lot of ways the cream helped a lot, but after awhile, all my Mirena symptoms were mimicked by the cream, so i would suggest being conservative with it if it is prescribed.
Good luck! You are in our thoughts!