I know ! I was so so glad to know this ..
thought it would be good to share so everyone else could have a looksy ! LOL
I use distilled too but not all the time
lots of time I use the filter and take my water for the day at work
I have been trying to up my magnesium through diet and
magnesium oil that I mix in water and spritz on myself daily
it has helped so much with my energy level and general well- being and I know that distilled while great water alas has no magnesium in it or any other minerals .still trying to wrap my head around distilled is best when I read articles about people dying from water that has no magnesium in it .. such as
and this one
the lawsuit
I know we can get minerals from
juicing though
my blood pressure is also running about 114/71 which is great ! it normally runs about 130/80