yeah, Dave "the raw food trucker" is one of those great souls you just fall in love with:
I mean, "in love" like you love the sun.
I've been watching all his videos. Then there's his "gratitude rocks" practise. Everyone should do this.
It's simple. Notice what you are focussing on, in any given moment. Then find something in that moment, in that noticing, to have gratitude for. repeat. repeat. repeat. etc.
He says the longest he's gone doing this is nine hours.
Gratitude is different than being "grateful" . Being grateful is still coming from a place of lack, or thinking 'small' -- sort of thinking, well, it could be worse. Gratitude comes from a place of radiance and overflow. If it's flowing out, it's gonna flow in. like that.
I had a precious teacher once who would say to students, "you want the universe to fill you, and you hold up a thimble." He was almost weeping when he said this--because he could see the suffering states people get into, with wanting, and not knowing how they themselves are blocking love and light.
"Gratitude rocks!" Dave is a gem. I hope a lot of people read this post, and go watch his videos, and think of healing themselves with a plant-based diet...
in the end, it's all about love, and love has no direction but its own bright grace. It goes everywhere. No boundaries. I feel blessed to have run across him.
best, C