Christianity has it roots in the Roman Cult. Which is an international organization. If such things have happened in America, then you be certain, dollars to donuts, that this sort of thing goes on worldwide.
Its the same with ALL other so-called established religions. Like I said below, it may be necessary to be 'qualified' to be a parent, viewing one's genetic history, family history, mentally compentency, etc. Raising children is not something that is innate to us humans, nature does not tell us what to do like it does to the other lesser animals species. So, it may come, at some point in time, that one should be required to go through a "How to be a Parent" course.
Otherwise, unconscious humanity will just go on repeating itself. Under the guise of being "civilized", we remain far from it.
So much for the "immutable word of God!" Actually, this demonstrates that the bible has always been changed by the church leadership to suit their own tastes and agendas.