This Flush was very extreme, I had heartburn and nausea during the flush
yet it was a success, alot of chaff, few dime size stones and hundreds of small pea size stones. I have to say I moved aleast 200-300 stones this time
Today my energy level rose 200% I walk so fast I cant even see my feet
Liver Flush is way to go!!!!!! I never thought I can feel so much better
I feel better than when I was healthy,
Liver Flush truly gave me my life back
First Flush, passed 60 stones, used dr clarks method and used 4oz
OO (Olive-Oil) mix
Second Flush, Passed 400 stones, used dr clarks method but used 8oz
OO (Olive-Oil) mix
Third Flush, Tons of chaff and about 100 stones, used dr clarks method, 8oz
OO (Olive-Oil) mix
Fourth Flush, same as third
Fifthe Flush, passed NO STONES, used dr clarks method but this time only used 4oz OOmix
sixth Flush, passed 200-300 stones, used 8oz OO mix