I've been having bad problems with hypoglycemia for almost a year and a half now, and it has gotten progressively worse, as mentioned in my previous posts.
I'm gonna make a full post on my entire health issues, with labs from Friday, but to summarise what's been going on with my hypoglycemia-
- Around November 2009 I started noticing problems that seemed like hypoglycemia.
- March 2010 I went completely grain/bread free and have been ever since. I was eating mostly beef(some of it grassfed raw occasionaly), vegetables, some fruit, and plant fats. Some dairy, but had to cut it out competely because it was causing hypoglycemia.
- Around late spring/summertime 2010 I started noticing that certain vegetables were causing my blood
Sugar to drop. Vegetables like celery, tomatoes.
- I started eating less and less vegetables because I wasn't craving them, they were hard to eat compared to meat. Also, some were causing my blood
Sugar to drop sooner, so I'd have to eat more frequently throughout the day.
- Towards winter 2010 I started feeling deficient somehow, so I would try to eat more vegetables, but I would react with hypoglycemia to them.
- In December I started getting episodes that seemed like hypoglycemia even though I had just eaten. It was exacerbated by physical activity.
- On December 12, 2010 I had felt really deficient or something, so I made a big salad with some RealSalt in it and ate it. My blood
Sugar dropped right afterward, but I also felt bizarre. That strange feeling got so bad I went to the ER. They didn't comment on much about my labs, but my TSH was 4.160, my B12 was 991 (239-931), BUN was 27 (9-20), Total Protein was 8.7 (6.4-8.2), Globulin was 3.8 (1.6-3.4), and Alkaline Phosphatase was 137 (38-126). I refused drugs and went home.
- Since then I have been unable to eat vegetation, even though I tried a few times. So my diet was just 85/15 organic grassfed ground beef, and water. Zero carb.
- On February 13, 2011, my body started rejecting anymore meat. I had to force it down and resist vomiting it back up with nearly all my effort. My kidneys were hurting, and my pee was really frothy. I had a dilemma because my blood sugar was dropping, but I couldn't eat anything but meat. So I sent my girlfriend to Von's to get some 80/20 ground beef and to ask the butcher for beef fat trimmings. I made the ground beef with a lot of the fat trimmings thrown in, so it was really fatty. It saved me. I also tried to eat some zucchini. Couldn't eat more than one little circle at a sitting with the meat meal.
- My kidney pain decreased somewhat eating all the extra fat, but I noticed my blood pressure and heartrate started getting elevated all the time. I was able to sleep better at night now though.
- I began getting dizzy spells and I would feel hypoatrenimic at times, due to drinking a lot of bottled water. I would drink less water and it would improve, but I would feel thirsty.
- This past Friday, Feb 25, 2011, my blood pressure was out of control by the evening and I felt horrible and dizzy. My kidneys hurt. My blood pressure kept raising and when it hit 185/98 with a heartrate of 144, I decided to go to the ER. At the ER they checked it a few times, and my numbers stayed the same. 169/105, etc. I was super dizzy, the room was swaying, and I could barely walk. I felt like bad adrenal burnout. I rejected drugs, but I did take the saline IV. They discharged me, not saying anything about my labs or what was going on. I'm getting copies of the lab results later today and I'll post them. When I went home, my blood pressure and pulse started really normalizing. Better than I have seen it in years. My pulse went down to 75, and my blood pressure was like 115/75, better than I've seen in a long time. I felt a lot better, no dizziness. I think it was the saline IV that reversed it. I suspect I'm really mineral deficient.
- The next day, I ended up peeing all the goodness of the IV out and my pee became clear again. My dizziness and blood pressure came back. I tried eating some vegetables and it shot my blood pressure up to 170/92 for awhile, then it came back down and remained elevated. It also messed up my blood sugar stability.
- Yesterday I had my mom and girlfriend look for electrolyte replacements without sugar. Couldn't find any, so she got some unflavored pedialyte. It has sugar in it, 25 grams of dextrose. I just tried one spoon of it with a meat meal and I reacted badly. Dropped my blood sugar down to 62 in an hour. Spent the rest of the day trying to stabilize my blood sugar. I just started putting a lot of RealSalt on all my meat meals and it helped a lot with my blood pressure, which hasn't really gone higher than 140/82 but has been averaging in the 125/78 range, but eating the salt has not helped with the dizziness. I was really dizzy last night. Feel like the house is swinging. I also have been drinking tap water. I know it's full of poisons, and it does make me feel like crap, but it also has minerals in it, as opposed to the bottled water I have been drinking. I still have to minimize the amount of water I drink because my pee has been really clear still, and I get this pressure feeling in my head and dizziness if I drink too much.
- Today I ate a few leaves of organic herb salad from Von's with a meat meal, with some salt, and it dropped my blood sugar to 72 in about an hour. Had to eat some more meat. My blood pressure is still decent, but my kidneys hurt a little, pee is still too clear, I'm dizzy, and it is hard being all paranoid that my blood sugar is gonna drop too low and I might not be able to raise it back up. I'm afraid of passing out and winding up in a coma or brain damage.
I have to get minerals and vitamins back in my system somehow. I'm going to keep eating the RealSalt, but I need more than that. I was thinking of trying to eat a raw oyster because those are full of minerals, not to mention they are my favorite, but as I mentioned in a previous post, seafood has been dropping my blood sugar.
It's like anything with carbs at all, and even some things that don't have carbs (like butter and coconut oil), cause my blood sugar to drop.
I read about some of you here eating vegetables/carbs anyways and pushing through and your bodies adjusting to it, so maybe I can do that little by little. But I wonder if that'll even work for me.
I have also been wondering if I have an insulinoma.
I'll post my lab results from friday when I get them.
Any ideas or suggestions?