70% alkaline 30% acidic is not balanced. mothers milk has a nuetral ph for a reason. This alkaline craze is trying to compensate for society that is eating on the run or eating like crap. Ive heard candida "fungus" thrives more in an alkaline environment, wheras candida "yeast thrives in an acidic environment. For me I do better slightly acidic because im dealing with systemic candida. I get to alkaline i get tired and more constipated. My experience is that friendly bacteria seems to do a little better in a slightly acidic environment. "acidophilus "means lover of acid. One of the main reasons i developed some candida is i ate too many greens(grasses) for too long which was making me very constipated. Were humans not cows...our digestive system is not designed to alot of grasses.
With leaky gut ...I have to avoid spices or too much fat ...even too much cruciferous veggies can irritate leaky gut. Seeds and nuts can irritate leaky gut as well because how scratchy/ abrasive they can be.
Its a fine balancing act when someone has fungal candida and leaky gut. Cant be too alkaline, but not to acidic either. Potassium and sodium bicarbonate, and Vitamin C can help adjust the acid or alkaline levels.