Hey y'all!
One of my body builder girlfriends just posted a link to a website called My Fridge To Go.com. I think this is so cool (pun intended), and might be a great solution to a problem I see with doing Schulze's programs.
Right now I am trying to develop something like "The Working Gal's (or Guy's) Incurables Program. There are so many steps to that thing, that it seems impossible to do the IP... or even the Foundational Program, while holding down a full time job. With all of the fresh, raw foods and the several jars of juices, plus all the tinctures and teas, I couldn't see how it could be done with an outside job.
These coolers may be the answer.
I know in some offices there is a break room or lounge with a little refrigerator. But you hate to clog up most of the refrigerator with just your own food and juice jars. You could bring an ice chest, or if you had your own office space or cubicle, maybe your employer would let you have a mini refrigerator right in your work space.
I can see bringing that $55 Roller Fridge to work every day packed with everything you need during the day. If you had a little one burner hot plate, you could heat up your teas right at your desk (assuming you have one). You could keep small jars of Superfood and IF 2 in a drawer or purse or right in that cooler. You could quickly drink whatever you needed to on your breaks (while you scan Curezone lol).
Another thing to consider, if you work full time and you're trying to cleanse with Natural Healing protocols, is that most actions are taken three times a day. So if you planned everything out, you could do one dose of everything before you go to work in the morning, do your second round as soon as you get home from work, and your final dose right before you go to bed at night. It isn't perfect, but it's better than not doing it at all.
Doing all of this means, of course, that you will have to be very organized. I am naturally one of those "creative free spirit" Type B personalities who does not like structure. So I have to overcome my desire to play all day long and "make" myself be more disciplined. But if I want the results (I do!), I have to do what it takes to get them.
Are any of y'all doing these cleanses, or any of Uny's recommendations, while holding down a full time outside job? What tips can you share? I'm all ears!
lol Wings