Trick X Master
Hey, so I updated on how great I was doing a while ago. Well, I just kept on feeling better and better. Then, all of a sudden I woke up three days ago feeling terrible! I still feel a bit more mentally clear, but my fatigue has come back strong.
I am pretty positive I "overdrove" my methylation cycle. That is, I took to much methylation supplements too fast. I don't know what I am going to do. I think I am going to stay off of all methylation supplements (methylb12, adb12, methylfolate) for a while and see what happens.
Maybe I will do the Rich Van Konynenberg simplified methylation protocol, which seems to be a much slower and gentler approach.
One thing that is confusing is that the methylation can cause "detox" reactions. So its possible the way I feel is a good thing. But it just feels like too much of a gamble to me. I think I want to start looking into chronic fatigue doctors in my area (seattle).
I am definitely not upset I took the "freddd" protocol, as my brain worked normal for a while and it was nice to see what its like to have my personality back, to listen to music and get all sorts of emotions and memories and good feelings.