I have looked at collagen vascular disease, misnomir for connestive tissue diseases most caused by systemic autoimmune diseases and the list is alot and many unknown and genitic - the causeed origenally from microbiota - many microbes invading our unhealthy lifestile and surrounding - in the body and many chemical poison.
Callogen mucus a collection of callagen molucules or protein between tissues where there is blockage of flow of liquid and this is the white blood cells that has to due with autoimmune, thus due to germs most of times, the modern diseased mistreated world.
I looked at this scleroderma or systemic sclerosis: excess collagen deposits in the skin and other organs pruduce the symptoms. damage to small blood vessels within the skin and affected organs also occurs. in the skin, ulceration, calcification and changes in pigmentation may occur.
systemic features may incluide fibrosis and degeneration of the heart, lungs kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
the disease usually affects people 30 to 50 years old. women are affected more often than men. risk factors are occupbational exposure to silic dust and polyvinyl cloride.
Here it says chemical poison, allergy, to the body reaction and that has to do with immune. It can be pathegenic as it says in other place here.
we have to take care for the damages of the eye that can take place and get help by same herbs and right food, to help the flow.
pengueculae site says from one witness ginger is good and that is conductive for the liquid. In fact i am taking that and the result with the other is good. we have to experiment and share the possible - it helps. but total cure the body has to gain the supernatural of the ill-doing to our body. so that is what it means where the herbalist sees a lot of fire, pitta or yank in our body - we need the opposites to cool dawn. man want yin, woman and woman wants yank and I think now many woman and thus yank is dominant in our planet so it is very hot...well sound a joke..
take care!