I had constant UTIs with Mirena in, even though I know that's not what you're dealing with, hormones definitely affect the health of the urinary tract. Good news, once the Mirena was removed they stopped!
if you search "interstitial cystitis" in this forum, there are two women in the past who developed this urinary problem (basically, all the symptoms of a UTI without the infection, caused by inflammation of the urinary tract by an uknown cause) with mirena. One woman had the mirena removed and it went away within a couple weeks, for another it persisted.
I used progesterone cream for awhile after the Mirena was removed, and this caused the uti's to come back in a big way (although it did help with my other symptoms for awhile). A year after I stopped using the cream, and almost 2 years after Mirena, the uti's have faded considerably. I am 100% certain your problems are hormonally related, and I bet with Mirena gone you will feel better!
But hang in there. Like I said, I am 20 months post Mirena and still am not back to "normal". I feel SO SO SOOOO much better than when I had Mirena in though! I hope you start feeling better right away, but don't get discouraged if it takes longer than a week : ) good luck!