Well, this is it: The end of day 20. I'll stick around the forums some, offering help and advice as I can (when I feel qualified enough, that is). Big thanks to all the people here helping me through the fast, especially the initial stages -- days 1-5 were so tough I might not have continued without your support, and these last 5 days have been horrible as well, which leaves me afraid I'm quitting too soon.
I'm changing my diet, at least temporarily --
Watermelon and squeezed orange juice (with a pinch of lemon) sit in front of me, ready to wreak havoc on my system (I'll be careful!). I haven't had fruits and vegetables regularly almost ever -- my favourite foods are meats and pastas, preferably with lots of butter and white flour. I *will* be eating those again, but not for a while, and most importantly, portions will change! Smaller, combined with wholesome ingredients.
That marks 5 minutes! Take care, and commit to those fasts!