Hi, I wanted to ask if it is likely I have hypothyroidism. I had the test about 2 years ago which came out normal although they didn't give me the exact figures. Both my mother and sister have been diagnosed to be suffering from it and were on medication. My symptoms include; extremely cold hands and feet (I am cold in the summer and layer up), psoriasis, very slightly overweight (but find it difficult to lose weight), I normally sleep 10+ hours per night (I don't have trouble going to sleep but once I do sleep I don't ever naturally wake up early), dry hair, fatigue, paleness (I think I might be anaemic). I would obviously rather treat myself naturally and had been taking a combined tablet that features L-tyrosine and various other ingredients but haven't been noticing much difference. The worst thing is the cold hands and feet (I feel like I have been sleeping on them and deprived the bloodflow). I started a
Bowel Cleanse to try and get healthier but what can I do to address this specifically?