Loved the purring, chirping Cougar :) Thank you!
For me, it was the opposite of what your friend experienced and took me forever to figure it out. Every now and then, I would have terrible craving for salt. For a long time, I tried to understand why, searched up and down, to no avail. Eventually, I learned that Na and K are "opposites", much like Ca and Mg, so whenever I had too much potassium in my system (FAULTY system, as it turned out, this had ALWAYS been the case) [e.g. whenever I had too much of something as simple as
Celery stalks - which I LOVE - but they have a high potassium content], my body - in its amazing wisdom - was trying to compensate by getting me to consume MORE sodium....
I should also mention that trapper and Newport pointed out (I also got the same info from "Minerals for the Genetic Code") that the fibroid issue I've been dealing with for a very long time, is actually a simple case of "a caffeine toxicity" coupled with an "iodine deficiency". They are referring to a potassium imbalance - encouraged by the lack of
Iodine - that causes the potassium to fall out of solution into pockets called cysts. Sometimes they manifest as "fibrocystic breast disease" or "FBD", sometimes as uterine abnormalities - as in "fibroids" - and they both happened in my case.
I admit, I am guilty as charged, love my celery, as well as my coffee. Cut this last one to one cup per day, struggling to get it down to Saturdays and Sundays over the next couple of months.
I'm very glad you're doing so well! Keep it up and keep us informed, please :) Best of luck to your friend!