This is interesting. I've had borderline low copper lately and it may improve because I no longer take Vitamin C and Zinc. It may also have to do with my history of eating a lot of fruit and fruit juices.
Personally, I don't think 1 or 2 pieces of low fructose whole fruit daily is bad. It's a good idea to know which foods are highest in fructose and avoid them, especially in large amounts. Citrus aren't very high in fructose, or bananas, or melons. What I think are highest in fructose are honey, dried fruit such as dates, figs, etc., apples, grapes, pears, etc. I think it might be best to avoid foods that have high fructose in relation to glucose. Honey and molasses are beneficial for their minerals, so we have to weigh the pros and cons.
I did a search of fructose here and found this, and will save Uny the time of making a new reply to this, if she reads it and decides to reply to it. Offhand, I'd say eat all the fruit you choose to eat, AS LONG AS, you're cleansing on this program. If not, then you may need to pay attn to that article. I'm no longer going to pay attn to such articles. They are plentiful and as Dr Schulze says "are bullschit". If thousands of people heal with fruit in their diet, I see no need to avoid fruit. This has to do with fruit juice, but we're in the same category.
I rarely respond to cross-posted posts when I know it's likely to cause a debate (which invites all kinds of negativity, drama, and anti-healing energy & sentiments to my forum. So I've replied to your post here :) Uny
I disagree 100%
First consideration: just who is the author/s of this, and how are they qualified? How many people have they personally cured of illness and liver issues? Please read this: ~!~ Schulze GEM! How to choose a protocol/teacher/book MUST READ
Second consideration, Dr. Christopher's original Incurables Program was based on 'The Grape Cure', and involved eating nothing but grapes, grape-pulp & grape juice for months on end...and people were healed consistently.
His second IP was one week on carrots/juice; one week on apples/juice, and one week on grapes/grape juice (the majority to be juice, only eating the solids if one didn't have the willpower to stick to juices). Of course, he added slippery elm and many nutrients via various herbs...and people were healed consistently.
Third consideration, the fact of the matter is that 'sugar' in it's natural form, ingested with a huge array of vitamins, minerals, ENZYMES, phytochemicals and co-factors is NOT the same as isolated sugar, and it does NOT have the same effect on the human body! And virtually all theories are based on various "tests & data" using isolated sugar :(
Fourth consideration, the majority of 'advisors' in this world do NOT UNDERSTAND the various benefits of juicing and juice-fasting - the primary one being that it takes IMMENSE amounts of energy (estimated up to a full 65% of total resources daily) for the process of digestion - particularly the separation of vital nutrients from the pulp of the food (so they can be assimilated and utilized effectively). When juicing, it's like giving our body 65% 'extra energy' to utilize for healing WHILE giving it a fantastically 'nutrient rich' solution that can be assimilated so quickly Dr. Schulze refers to it as a "nutritional IV". So with the super-fuel AND the extra energy, we've substantially increased our body's ability to heal itself. For reading:
JUICE-FASTING: The POWERFUL healing therapy!
Fifth consideration - as Dr. Christopher said, "Drink your Solids & Chew your Juices". We have 8-12 various digestive enzymes in our saliva, and we're SUPPOSED to mix it with our food/juice before we swallow. Dr. Christopher had many diabetics/hypoglycemics on his IP, and he found that if they 'chewed their juice' before swallowing that their blood sugar levels were not adversely affected at all...because the digestive enzymes in the saliva 'broke down' the sugar to the point that it didn't substantially or harmfully alter blood-sugar levels.
Are these theories based on what the authors have seen consistently clinically with "real people" that are juicing? Are these people attending to the other aspects of their body while juicing (proper cleansing of clogged organs & systems of elimination) and using quality herbs as support for healing & cleansing? Are these juices freshly juiced or pasteurized/bottled? Is the produce organic, or laden with poisons that cause liver distress?
Lastly, two words - EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE! If tens of thousands of Schulze, Gerson, Christopher patients have HEALED by juicing apple, grape, carrot & beet juice (and other :::eye roll::: "high sugar juices") and CURED the very liver issues that these juices are supposed to CAUSE...then we KNOW something is wrong somewhere with what these articles purport as 'truth'.
:::happy grin::: And that's what I have to share about that :)
Healthiest of blessings...JUICE ON!