Many people will suggest that this is some type of die off or toxin response, but I would have to suggest another possibility. You did not specify on which sides these rashes were on, so I will attempt to cover both sides. From personal experience both with flushing and with minerals, I would have to say that your calcium/magnesium balances have been thrown off during your flushing. My skin all over my body dried out terribly shortly after my first couple of flushes. I developed skin breakouts much like acne, but larger and quite painful on the left side of my face. I've had similar reactions in the past so I assumed it was simply my bad skin acting up, same with my excessive dryness.
I've come to realize that low calcium plays a big role in skin moisture. After a good deal of research, I learned that magnesium can be extremely drying to the skin when it isn't properly balanced with enough calcium, and that low calcium can result in an inflammatory response in the presence of excess vitamin C(quite likely when drinking 1/2 a cup of citrus juice). Calcium and magnesium tend to be side-specific with calcium affecting the left side and magnesium the right, particularly in inflammatory reactions. It is very important to reestablish your calcium levels after a flush, and follow that by maintaining adequate magnesium levels. It is also important that your calcium levels already be at or above RDA(magnesium, too) before you attempt flushing, in my opinion, to help prevent such a dramatic mineral shift.
I suggest supplementing with 1000-1200mg of calcium and vitamin D, but no magnesium for the first day or 2 after a flush. Then add magnesium up to the normal RDA to maintain the balance, unless you are certain that your diet contains sufficient amounts and that you are capable of properly absorbing both minerals.
These are just my thoughts based on study and personal experience. I hope they in some way assist you in solving your current problem.