Before I was diagnosed with lupus, the doctors kept telling me I had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. I just kept at them, saying "Yes, those are symptoms. What's causing them?" Three doctors actually refused to treat me anymore, because I refused to take their drugs until they had a true diagnosis. Now I'm beginning to think that everything that is wrong with me, the supposed lupus, the thyroid problems, the spongy kidney, was all caused by a 20-year case of strongyloides.
And you know what? If they hadn't gotten so out of control that I tried parasite cleansing to get rid of them, I would never have known and would have died from them eventually.
It makes me so angry that doctors refuse to believe us, refuse to give us the medicines we need, leaving us to scour the internet for cures. People have to take veterinary versions of the drugs used for strongyloides because their doctor refuses to give me the the drugs. Thing is, the vet meds are just as safe and cheaper.
It's such a sad world when conventional medicine would rather see people die than try to make them better.