This is super simple nutritious and delishus recipe. This is also very gentle on the system so its a great soup for breaking the fast I was so inspired by this that I did a photo essay on it @
Here is another photo thing I did on a super green juice I make. at the time I made this particular recipe I was having some kidney discomfort so I added dandelion leaves and aspargus.
There ar many vaiables that can affect how we react to foods after a fast, You hafta take note that Stanley sez "broth" and not "soup" as the intitial thing after doing orange juice for a day and and half. Some folks will go eat pizza after a fast and be fine others can get violently ill form eating a salad too soon. Judging from your previous experience you might wanna heed Stanleys advice to start the break after the OJ with broth and see how that goes for you, The length of your fast will also dictate how judicious you need to be time wise before getting into the heavier solid food and fats. It's always a good idea to do some probiotics after any fast and being in India I'm sure there is alot t of yogurt around. I would give it a good 5 days or longer depending on the lenght of your MC before doing yogurt. I dunno if they do Kefir in India but if that is available it isa better choce as it contains many more strains of beneficial bacteria than yogurt.