And, while you're on the subject, the ENT said the sore throat I've had for a year is from acid coming up and I need to take antacids.
I don't want to because of all I learned from you about older folks having low stomach acid- and my digestion is lousy. I guess the thing to do is eat smaller meals and not lay down after eating. I also have Bragg's ACV and water in a thermos next to my bed and drink some at night and in the morning. I don't have heart burn anymore.
What about taking very small pieces of tums (calcium carbonate) throughout the day?
Any more ideas how to keep the acid from coming up?
He went through nose down throat with a long thing he could look through and he said it was red down there, sorta by where your adam's apple would be if you were a man. And I didn't have that much post nasal drip going on.
It's called LPR (see the long word below) and you don't need to have heartburn to have it. I think mostly old people get it.
If it is reflux, and once you have it under control (but I might be tempted to just do a trial for 30 days with acid blockers to see if there was any throat relief to rule out acid reflux) an excellent formula for throat/voice/lung congestion disorders is this:
It is sort of expensive at $18 for 100 capsules, but it is a stellar formula and works great.
Or, you could make your own similar formula for much less from information on this page.
"The throat is subject to a number of disorders including infections, hoarseness, vocal cord polyps and nodules, irritation (sometimes the result of gastric reflux and postnasal drip), and cancer. In Chinese medical texts, throat (Chinese: yan or hou) disorders are mentioned secondarily to other syndromes, such as common cold or a feverish disease, but are not a focus of specific discourse. Therefore, information about treatments for throat disorders must be culled from sparse sources, including medical reports from specialists and recommendations from texts devoted to modern medical specialties, such as otolaryngology, each providing some clues that may be useful in understanding the treatment principles."
There are several Chinese formulas in here, including the one that Golden Voice is based on.
What about taking very small pieces of tums (calcium carbonate) throughout the day?
Not a good idea at all. Read my last post with links about the benefits of stomach acid and GERD. Neutralizing the stomach acid with Tums or other calcium carbonate source will just make things worse.
Any more ideas how to keep the acid from coming up?
Increase stomach acidity to reduce fermentation.
Yucca root can also be used to decrease fermentation.
Stay away from foods that relax the lower esophageal sphincter such as onions, mints, citrus and tomatoes.
How can a person tell if they have too much stomach acid, or not enough? Sorry if I have missed if you answered it before.
The simple answer is that excessive stomach acid (hyperchlorhydria) is so rare that it is almost unheard of. All the claims about excess stomach acid is just sales hype used to sell dangerous antacids and acid blockers (proton pump inhibitors).
Stomach acid levels naturally decline with age, which is why it becomes harder and harder to absorb nutrients properly as we age. Especially silica, leading to many of the problems we associate with aging. After the age of 40 is generally when the decline really starts picking up speed since the decline leads to an inability to absorb the nutrients needed to produce stomach acid, leading to less stomach acid, leading to less nutrient absorption for stomach acid............
Here is an old post on the benefits of stomach acid:
And a few other related posts: