It appears that you can flush as often as you like.
As other posters have noted, however, the
Epsom Salts are hard on your kidneys and the
Liver Flush has also been compared by some to liver surgery as it is so potent. I would wait 2-4 weeks between flushes to allow full recovery. Having said that, everyone is different and will respond to the effects of the flush differently. It is best to listen to your body after every flush. For example, if you are feeling particulary fatigued and run down after a flush you may want to wait 4 weeks. If you have pain after a flush and feel as though a big stone may be blocking your bile duct, you may immediately want to follow up with another flush to dislodge the stone and relieve the discomfort. If you are feeling highly energetic after a flush, you can do the next one in 2-3 weeks or even 1 week.
Best Wishes.